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The hope you feel when you are in love is not necessarily for anything in particular. Love brings something inside you to life. Perhaps it is just the full dimensionality of your own capacity to feel that returns. In this state you think no impediment can be large enough to interrupt your passion. The feeling spills beyond the object of your love to color the whole world. The mood is not unlike the mood of revolutionaries in the first blush of victory, at the dawn of hope. Anything seems possible. And in the event of failure, it will be this taste of possibility that makes disillusion bitter  (Full Quotes) Everything that is great in life is the product of slow growth; the newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler the work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting success. Mushrooms attain their full power in a night; oaks require decades. A fad lives its life in a few weeks; a philosophy lives through generations and centuries  (Full Quotes) All good writing is built one good line at a time. You build a novel the same way you do a pyramid. One word, one stone at a time, underneath a full moon while the fingers bleed  (Full Quotes) Because I work in television, I always knew that I loved working with writers. It’s very collaborative. You’re always in a room full of writers  (Full Quotes) A silkworm was struggling out of the cocoon and an ignorant man saw it battling as if in pain, so he went and helped it to get free, but very soon after it fluttered and died. The other silkworms that struggled out without help suffered, but they came out into full life and beauty, with wings made strong for flight by their battle for fresh existence  (Full Quotes) Football is played best full of adrenaline and anger. Moderation seldom finds a place. Almost every act of baseball is a blending of effort and control; too much of either is fatal  (Full Quotes) When I am in a relationship, I don’t wear lipstick at all. I hate the smearing, the retouching, the constant throb of phoniness as you surreptitiously check the damage in your compact between kisses. I wear lots of mascara to compensate, different colors so I don’t get bored. When I am about to break up with a guy, he has full warning because I start wearing lipstick again  (Full Quotes) If I never went home, what exactly would I be missing? I pictured my cold cavernous house, my friendless town full of bad memories, the utterly unremarkable life that had been mapped out for me. It had never once occurred to me, I realized, to refuse it  (Full Quotes) When something is empty, fill it. When something is full, empty it. When you have an itch, scratch it  (Full Quotes) Many, many times, the kids with the less talent become the better athletes because they’re more dedicated to achieving their full potential  (Full Quotes) Many kinds of fruit grow upon the tree of life, but none so sweet as friendship; as with the orange tree its blossoms and fruit appear at the same time, full of refreshment for sense and for soul  (Full Quotes) A land full of places that are not worth caring about may soon be a nation and a way of life that is not worth defending  (Full Quotes) History is full of examples of people compromising their beliefs in order to keep themselves alive  (Full Quotes) Antagonism in my family comes wrapped in layers of code, sideways feints, full deniability. I believe the same can be said of many families  (Full Quotes) Not that I have any little kids running around I need to keep away from the guns. I had any kids I’d get rid of the guns. Nothing more dangerous to the life of a child than a house full of firearms. Nothing more dangerous except maybe a parent  (Full Quotes) I take a less gloomy view. A good life means fighting to be human under growing difficulties. A lot of young folk know this and fight very hard, but after a few years life gets easier for them and they think they’ve become completely human when they’ve only stopped trying. I stopped trying, but my life was so full of strenuous routines that I wouldn’t have noticed had it been not for my disease. My whole professional life was a diseased and grandiose attack on my humanity. It is an achievement to know that I am simply a wounded and dying man. Who can be more regal than a dying man?  (Full Quotes) I wanted to create my own world, a world full of color, where everyone could play. One big party that never ends  (Full Quotes) The full meaning of life, the collective meaning of all human desires, is fundamentally a mystery beyond our grasp. As a young man, I chafed at this state of affairs. But by now I have made peace with it. I even feel a certain honor to be associated with such a mystery  (Full Quotes) I always tell women to use the fact that we offer a different point of view in a room full of men, to their advantage. Because we often stand out, we gain a unique platform to demonstrate our knowledge and capabilities  (Full Quotes) Responsibility for the creation of the good world in which the good life may be realized, which the frustrated ages of the past loaded upon the gods, is now being assumed by man. The ideal of this modern drift is the realization of the full joy in living  (Full Quotes) In the broad light of day mathematicians check their equations and their proofs, leaving no stone unturned in their search for rigour. But, at night, under the full moon, they dream, they float among the stars and wonder at the miracle of the heavens. They are inspired. Without dreams there is no art, no mathematics, no life  (Full Quotes) The lives of most men are patchwork quilts. Or at best one matching outfit with a closet and laundry bag full of incongruous accumulations. A lifetime of training for just ten seconds  (Full Quotes) He who reads much and understands much, receives his fill. He who is full, refreshes others  (Full Quotes) For you can look at things while talking or with a radio going full blast, but you can see only when the chatter stops  (Full Quotes) It is perseverance, and not genius that takes a man to the top. Rome is full of unrecognized geniuses. Only perseverance enables you to move forward in the world  (Full Quotes) Every plant has its fitness and must be placed in its proper surroundings so as to bring out its full beauty. Therein lies the art of landscaping  (Full Quotes) The idea of a library full of books, the books full of knowledge, fills me with fear and love and courage and endless wonder  (Full Quotes) I’m a poet. I distrust anything that starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop because people don’t think in full, clear sentences  (Full Quotes) Modern medicine is not scientific, it is full of prejudice, illogic and susceptible to advertising. Doctors are not taught to reason, they are programmed to believe in whatever their medical schools teach them and the leading doctors tell them. Over the past 20 years the drug companies, with their enormous wealth, have taken medicine over and now control its research, what is taught and the information released to the public  (Full Quotes) That is what is wrong with our age. You know full well you are not watching the sun set. You are watching the world turn  (Full Quotes)
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