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We didn’t come to earth to get anything. We came to awaken our full potential and infuse this dimension with divine light  (Full Quotes) Activating our light and our full potential requires that we embrace our shadow. Realizing our wholeness requires us to become big enough to hold our brokenness  (Full Quotes) A world’s full of broken hearts. That’s all this is. I wondered if there was anyone above the age of say, 18, in the world who hadn’t had their hearts broken at some point  (Full Quotes) Any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae  (Full Quotes) Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way  (Full Quotes) If others examined themselves attentively, as I do, they would find themselves, as I do, full of inanity and nonsense. Get rid of it I cannot without getting rid of myself  (Full Quotes) Every man is full of music; but it is not every man that knows how to bring it out  (Full Quotes) A whole lifetime was too short to bring out, the full flavour; to extract every ounce of pleasure, every shade of meaning  (Full Quotes) A vain man is a nauseous creature: he is so full of himself that he has no room for anything else, be it never so good or deserving  (Full Quotes) The world is full of bright men who know all the right things to say and who say them in the wrong place  (Full Quotes) New technology is the true friend of full employment; the indispensable ally of progress; and the surest guarantee of prosperity  (Full Quotes) Every language is so full of its own proprieties that what is beautiful in one is often barbarous, nay, sometimes nonsense, in another  (Full Quotes) Gardening is full of mistakes, almost all of them pleasant and some of them actually instructive  (Full Quotes) Diffidence in an officer is a good mark because he will always endeavor to bring himself up to what he conceives to be the full line of his duty  (Full Quotes) Polyphonic prose is a kind of free verse, except that it is still freer. Polyphonic makes full use of cadence, rime, alliteration, assonance  (Full Quotes) The single factor most responsible for the disruption of the family is the automobile. Its full effect cannot be assessed. Modern life, as we know, would be impossible without the ubiquitous motorcar. It broke up the old family and community  (Full Quotes) I’m funnier now because I’m braver and less full of hate, so everything is even more ridiculous than it was before  (Full Quotes) There are several other sources of enjoyment in a long voyage, which are of a more reasonable nature. The map of the world ceases to be a blank; it becomes a picture full of the most varied and animated figures  (Full Quotes) I have often lost myself in the sea, ears full of newly cut flowers, tongue full of love and agony  (Full Quotes) Seville is a tower full of fine archers... Under the arch of the sky, across the clear plain, she shoots the constant arrow of her river  (Full Quotes) Nature is full of wonders; every atom is a standing miracle, and endowed with such qualities, as could not be impressed on it by a power and wisdom less than infinite  (Full Quotes) The history of science is full of revolutionary advances that required small insights that anyone might have had, but that, in fact, only one person did  (Full Quotes) I’m looking very much forward to growing older. I want to be an exhausted older woman but with a very full life behind me and one still going  (Full Quotes) The history of the development of mechanics is quite indispensable to a full comprehension of the science in its present condition. It also affords a simple and instructive example or the processes by which natural science generally is developed  (Full Quotes) The world is full of women, and the women full of wile; so that a man, if he goeth not warily withal, shall surely fall a prey thereunto  (Full Quotes) The vices of which we are full we carefully hide from others, and we flatter ourselves with the notion that they are small and trivial; we sometimes even embrace them as virtues  (Full Quotes) To give up another person’s love is a mild suicide; like a very bad inoculation as compared to the full disease  (Full Quotes) I always say prepare to be a coach to anybody who wants to be a coach. At 24 years of age when I left engineering to become full time in football, I made sure that I was never going back to engineering  (Full Quotes) I write and perform for the feeling it gives me, and the experience of being connected with a room full of people to the vibration of music  (Full Quotes) The life that I have chosen gives me my full hours of enjoyment for the balance of my life. The sun will not rise, or set, without my notice, and thanks  (Full Quotes)
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