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Half full, half empty, what the hell difference does it make? If there’s something in the damn glass, drink it  (Full Quotes) A gardener’s life is full of sweets and sours; He gets the sunshine when he needs the showers  (Full Quotes) A person is full of sorrow the way a burlap sack is full of stones or sand  (Full Quotes) Hydrogeology is not a simple discipline,.. It’s full of variables that are always changing  (Full Quotes) Photography is a source of raw materials as I believe the camera is never perfect and will never be able to express in full what I see and feel  (Full Quotes) The principles of my works... are the extinction of expression, permanent covering and contemplative tranquillity... My ideal is the completely dark picture, full of some overwhelming silence  (Full Quotes) Some see the glass half full, some see it half empty, and some see it crawling with toxic alien parasites who want to devour your pancreas  (Full Quotes) Animists are people who recognize that the world is full of persons, only some of whom are human  (Full Quotes) The world is a dangerous place, full of people who don’t trust each other. This is why I am staying up in this tree  (Full Quotes) I wouldn’t ever write the full sentence myself, but then, I never use goto either  (Full Quotes) Let us all be men and women in full. Let us expect from ourselves more than we think we can give, more than we think we can do and more than we think we already know  (Full Quotes) This earth that we live on is full of stories in the same way that, for a fish, the ocean is full of ocean. Some people say when we are born we’re born into stories. I say we’re also born from stories  (Full Quotes) English is full of booby traps for the unwary foreigner. Any language where the unassuming word fly signifies an annoying insect, a means of travel, and a critical part of a gentleman’s apparel is clearly asking to be mangled  (Full Quotes) You work many hours. It is the major activity of your life. You can lose a lot of energy or gain a lot of energy from it. Put your full attention into it and do a good job, because it is part of your impeccability  (Full Quotes) I compare the pressure of a golf shot with making an extra point in basketball. The player starts from a full stop, and that rim doesn’t move  (Full Quotes) Beyond the fact that it is a limitless arena for the full play of human nature, there is no sure accounting for golf’s fascination... Perhaps it is nothing more than the best game man has ever devised  (Full Quotes) The better the script is the more you can commit,but you can only really commit with full confidence when you know the material is as strong as your level of commitment to it and it frees you up  (Full Quotes) I’m a gastronome first and foremost. I have several bookshelves in my home full of cookbooks, foodie magazines and food writer books and I am always on the hunt for a great recipe or local foodie haunt to try  (Full Quotes) The air is full of souls those who are nearest to earth descending to be tied to mortal bodies return to other bodies, desiring to live in them  (Full Quotes) Now, here is the point about the self: it is insatiable. It is always, always hankering. It is what you might call rapacious to a fault. The great flaming mouth to the thing is never in this world going to be stuff full  (Full Quotes) I shared a room with my parents until I was 7, and I lived with my uncles and aunts and my cousins and my grandfather... so the house was always full of people  (Full Quotes) Acting is a tough business, but if you really want to do it, you should go full force  (Full Quotes) Either a princess or a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is the quality of the spirit. When you feel generous your life becomes, abundant full of compassion and love  (Full Quotes) I would hate the thought of dying full stop; I’ve got to be honest with you  (Full Quotes) I try to grow like a tree, and hope that I can reach my full potential by the end of this short life. Change is good but growth is better  (Full Quotes) Spies go to bars for the same reason people go to libraries: full of information if you know where to ask  (Full Quotes) The death I should prefer would be to break my neck off the back of a good horse at a full gallop on a fine day  (Full Quotes) Childhood is only the beautiful and happy time in contemplation and retrospect: to the child it is full of deep sorrows, the meaning of which is unknown  (Full Quotes) The summer moon hung full in the sky. For the time being it was the great fact of the world  (Full Quotes) I bought... the pins with my three daughters in mind; the ships are beautiful, graceful, and moving along at full sail, having long since left home port  (Full Quotes)
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