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There is something distinguished about even his failures; they sink not trivially, but with a certain air of majesty, like a great ship, its flags flying, full of holes  (Full Quotes) To me, the model of success is not linear. Success is completing the full circle of yourself  (Full Quotes) Honest men live on charity in their age; the almshouses are full of men who never stole a copper penny. Honest men are the fools and the saints  (Full Quotes) The best marriages, like the best lives, were both happy and unhappy. There was even a kind of necessary tension, a certain tautness between the partners that gave the marriage strength, like the tautness of a full sail. You went forward on it  (Full Quotes) Nothing, I believe, is so full of life under the microscope as a drop of water from a stagnant pool  (Full Quotes) The worst of gardening is that it’s so full of metaphors one hardly knows where to begin  (Full Quotes) If you want to be happy, learn to be alone without being lonely. Learn that being alone does not mean being unhappy. The world is full of plenty of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life  (Full Quotes) I like handling newborn animals. Fallen into life from an unmappable world, they are the ultimate immigrants, full of wonder and confusion  (Full Quotes) A vivid portrait of a teenage girl and her family in disarray. Meredith is a wonderful narrator, witty, feisty, full of yearning, and the story she tells is as complicated as life itself. This is a richly satisfying novel  (Full Quotes) If thy words be too luxuriant, confine them, lest they confine thee; he that thinks he never can speak enough may easily speak too much. A full tongue and an empty brain are seldom parted  (Full Quotes) It is my belief that children are full of understanding and know as much as and more than adults, until they are about seven, when they suddenly become stupid, like adults  (Full Quotes) Most people prefer to carry out the kinds of experiments that allow the scientist to feel that he is in full control of the situation rather than surrendering himself to the situation, as one must in studying human beings as they actually live  (Full Quotes) The age of credulity is every age the world has ever known. Men have always turned from the ascertained, which is limited and discouraging, to the dubious, which is unlimited and full of hope for everybody  (Full Quotes) Some degree of expression is necessary for growth, but it should be little in proportion to the full life  (Full Quotes) All the old houses that I knew when I was a child were full of books, bought generation after generation by members of the family. Nobody told you to read this or not to read that  (Full Quotes) The world is full of mystery but it must not be choked with secrets: we must talk to one another  (Full Quotes) We have been so patient and loyal... and what has it gotten us? We want our full share now  (Full Quotes) No one should be allowed to give back the gift of life, unless they are very old and full of tears, when the body outlives the spirit, when they should be allowed to join the others who’ve already gone  (Full Quotes) I do note that photography, a despised medium to work in, is full of empty phonies and worthless commercial people. That presents quite a challenge to the man who can take delight in being in a very difficult, disdained medium  (Full Quotes) Poetic and speculative photographs can result if one works carefully and accurately, yet letting chance relationships have full play  (Full Quotes) World is full of followers and leaders, and I think that if one can become both and be both, to follow in order to lead, and to lead in order to follow, then I think you’re on the right path  (Full Quotes) I have a full life off the road. I was never in it just for the money or the career. That’s why I’m comfortable with myself. I know who I am out of the spotlight  (Full Quotes) I’ve lived a life which has been pretty much full up with ambition, ideas, stimulus, creativity, some negativity which I try and avoid  (Full Quotes) One never knows how much a family may grow; and when a hive is too full, and it is necessary to form a new swarm, each one thinks of carrying away his own honey  (Full Quotes) We are full of rhythms... our pulse, our gestures, our digestive tracts, the lunar and seasonal cycles  (Full Quotes) Television represents what happens to a medium when the artists have no power and the businessmen are in full, unquestioned control  (Full Quotes) Like life and people, it is full of paradoxes. Etiquette is based on tradition, and yet it can change. Its ramifications are trivialities, but its roots are in great principles  (Full Quotes) All the earth, though it were full of kind hearts, is but a desolation and desert place to a mother when her only child is absent  (Full Quotes) The earth is soaked and soggy with rain. Everything is drinking its fill and the surplus gluts the drains. The sky is full of it and lies low over the earth, heavy and dense. Even the sea is wetter than usual!  (Full Quotes) I understand the sensitivities of grown children with little ones of their own!! They’ll turn away a mother full of advice, but they’ll never say no to one holding a mop  (Full Quotes)
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