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It was one of those pictures that children are supposed to like but don’t. Full of endearing little animals doing endearing things, you know?  (Full Quotes) The world’s flattery and hypocrisy is a sweet morsel: eat less of it, for it is full of fire. Its fire is hidden while its taste is manifest, but its smoke becomes visible in the end  (Full Quotes) Life is full of troubles and vexations, that one must either rise above it by means of corrected thoughts, or leave it  (Full Quotes) A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life  (Full Quotes) My chest feels full of glitter and helium, the way it used to when I was little and riding my father’s shoulders at twilight, when I knew that if I held up my hands and spread my fingers like a net, I could catch the coming stars  (Full Quotes) We must laugh and cry, enjoy and suffer, in a word, vibrate to our full capacity … I think that’s what being really human means  (Full Quotes) While a few pertinent points have to be marked, the general impression I desire to convey is of a side door crashing open in life’s full flight, and a rush of roaring black time drowning with its whipping wind the cry of lone disaster  (Full Quotes) On a day when the wind is perfect, the sail just needs to open and the world is full of beauty. Today is such a day  (Full Quotes) We read fine things but never feel them to the full until we have gone the same steps as the author  (Full Quotes) The body grows slowly and steadily but the soul grows by leaps and bounds. It may come to its full stature in an hour  (Full Quotes) If I extend an empty hand and in retrieving it and finding it still empty, I feel disappointment, that is foolishness; yet if I extend a hand which is full and yet find no one to receive it, then that is hopelessness  (Full Quotes) When I am king they shall not have bread and shelter only, but also teachings out of books, for a full belly is little worth where the mind is starved  (Full Quotes) It is a giggle full of high spirits and merry mischief, proof that we never lose our girlish selves, no matter what sort of women we become  (Full Quotes) There are moments when I am writing when I think that if other people knew how I felt right now, they’d burn me at the stake for feeling so good, so full, so much intense pleasure  (Full Quotes) My resolve to die was not the whim of an hour. It was the ripe, sound fruit that had slowly grown to full size, lightly rocked by the winds of fate whose next breath would bring it to the ground  (Full Quotes) I had weird dreams full of barnyard animals. Most of them wanted to kill me. The rest wanted food  (Full Quotes) She wished she had a little yellow house of her own, with a flower box full of real flowers and herbs – pansies and rosemary – and a sweet lover who would swing dance with her in the evenings and cook pasta and read poetry aloud  (Full Quotes) Empathy is really important.. Only when our clever brain and our human heart work together in harmony can we achieve our full potential  (Full Quotes) The next time you face a room full of strangers... you might tell yourself that some of them are just friends waiting to be found  (Full Quotes) The mirror can lie. Doesn’t show you what’s inside. And it, it can tell you you’re full of life. It’s amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile  (Full Quotes) A man when he is making up to anybody can be cordial and gallant and full of little attentions and altogether charming. But when a man is really in love he can’t help looking like a sheep  (Full Quotes) He knew what he knew: that the real world was full of magic, so magical worlds could easily be real  (Full Quotes) We’d met at a carefree time, a moment full of promise, in its place now were the harsh lessons of the real world  (Full Quotes) ... and the vessel was not full, his intellect was not satisfied, his soul was not at peace, his heart was not still  (Full Quotes) It’s very difficult to stay angry when a room full of bald guys in orange robes start giggling. Buddhism  (Full Quotes) The soul was not cured, it was as full as a clothes closet of dresses that did not fit  (Full Quotes) I’m tired again, I’ve tried again, and now my heart is full. And I just can’t explain... so I won’t even try to  (Full Quotes) Death: Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know, that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom  (Full Quotes) I want to believe that I’m not wrong. I want to believe that life isn’t full of darkness. Even if storms come to pass, the sun will shine again. No matter how painful and hard the rain may beat down on me  (Full Quotes) Human minds are more full of mysteries than any written book and more changeable than the cloud shapes in the air  (Full Quotes)
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