Fulton J Sheen Quotes

Text Quotes
Freedom does not mean that right to do whatever we please, but rather to do as we ought. The right to do whatever we please reduces freedom to a physical power and forgets that freedom is a moral power (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
There is no other subject on which the average mind is so much confused as the subject of tolerance and intolerance... Tolerance applies only to persons, but never to principles. Intolerance applies only to principles, but never to persons (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
When we die to something, something comes alive within us. If we die to self, charity comes alive; if we die to pride, service comes alive; if we die to lust, reverence for personality comes alive; if we die to anger, love comes alive (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
It was to a virgin woman that the birth of the Son of God was announced. It was to a fallen woman that his resurrection was announced (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Communism is the final logic of the dehumanization of man. The industrial civilization of the Western world has no intent to destroy man’s freedom or to deny his personality. But Communism does. Denying God, it reduces man to a robot (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Unless souls are saved, nothing is saved; there can be no world peace unless there is soul peace. World wars are only projections of the conflicts waged inside the souls of men and women, for nothing happens in the external world that has not first happened within a soul (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Nothing can do men of good will more harm than apparent compromises with parties that subscribe to antimoral and antidemocratic and anti-God forces. We must have the courage to detach our support from men who are doing evil. We must bear them no hatred, but we must break with them (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
We must go out to Pure Life, Pure Truth, Pure Love, and that is the definition of God. He is the ultimate goal of life; from Him we came, and in Him alone do we find our peace (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Liberty is no heirloom. It requires the daily bread of self-denial, the salt of law and, above all, the backbone of acknowledging responsibility for our deeds (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Today (1950), the hatred of the Moslem countries against the West is becoming hatred against Christianity itself. Although the statesmen have not yet taken it into account, there is still grave danger that the temporal power of Islam may return and, with it, the menace that it may shake off a West which has ceased to be Christian, and affirm itself as a great anti-Christian world Power. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Scepticism is never certain of itself, being less a firm intellectual position than a pose to justify bad behavior. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Remember that every science is based upon an abstraction. An abstraction is taking a point of view or looking at things under a certain aspect or from a particular angle. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Life is like a cash register, in that every account, every thought, every deed, like every sale, is registered and recorded. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Freedom is not just something with which we are born; it is something we achieve. America did not receive a perpetual endowment of freedom; it has had to struggle and fight to preserve it. Freedom is not an heirloom or an antique; it is a life that must fight against the corrosive powers of death and nourish itself on the daily bread of goodness and virtue. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Every moment comes to you pregnant with divine purpose . . . . Once it leaves your hands and your power to do with it as you please, it plunges into eternity, to remain forever what you made it. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Broadmindedness, when it means indifference to right and wrong, eventually ends in a hatred of what is right. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Freedom that ignores the transcendent difference between good and evil ends in the denial of freedom itself. (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Everything that is full of life loves change, for the characteristic of life is movement toward a new goal and urges toward new pleasures (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Joy is the happiness of love - love aware of its own inner happiness. Pleasure comes from without, and joy comes from within, and it is, therefore, within reach of everyone in the world.... (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
It is easy to find truth, though it is hard to face it, and harder still to follow it (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
The big print giveth, and the fine print taketh away (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Some will not look on suffering because it creates responsibility (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Right is right if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong if everybody is wrong (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Pride is an admission of weakness; it secretly fears all competition and dreads all rivals (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
The proud man counts his newspaper clippings, the humble man his blessings (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Nothing ever happens in the world that does not happen first inside human hearts (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
When the will loves anything that is below it in dignity, it degrades itself (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
A woman never tells you why she loves; she just tells you how she loves (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Head knowledge is worthless, unless accompanied by submission of the will and right action (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)
Never measure your generosity by what you give, but rather by what you have left (Fulton J Sheen Quotes)