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Fumbling Quotes

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We’re fumbling in the dark, but at least we’re in motion  (Fumbling Quotes) A writer loves the dark, loves it, but is always fumbling around in the light  (Fumbling Quotes) Humor can get in under the door while seriousness is still fumbling at the handle  (Fumbling Quotes) I remember trying not to disrupt everyone else in the room, fumbling around trying to figure out how to use the medium with a beautiful model disrobed in front of me  (Fumbling Quotes) Worry is spiritual nearsightedness, a fumbling way of looking at little things, and of magnifying their value  (Fumbling Quotes) We can never understand. We can only try, fumbling our way through the tunneled places, reaching for light  (Fumbling Quotes) Character no longer is shaped by only two earnest, fumbling experts. Now all the world’s a sage  (Fumbling Quotes) But I’m not any better at relationships than you are. We’ll find our way together, even if we’re fumbling around in the dark for a while  (Fumbling Quotes) The moment is never perfect. It’s like that right now - in my head I’m being super lucid, but you never are. You’re always fumbling.  (Fumbling Quotes) But I’m not any better at relationships than you are. We’ll find our way together, even if we’re fumbling around in the dark for a while.  (Fumbling Quotes) The early bees are assaulting and fumbling the flowers: They call it ‘easing the Spring.’  (Fumbling Quotes) My father Time is weak and gray With waiting for a better day; See how idiot-like he stands, Fumbling with his palsied hands!  (Fumbling Quotes) George Bush ran a campaign where he bragged about being an anti-intellectual, dismissing his Harvard and Yale pedigree, pretending he was an American every day, ordinary everyman, and as a result of that, played up his fumbling speech because it signified that he was a good guy. That is deeply and profoundly anti-intellectual.  (Fumbling Quotes) Do you believe in God, doctor? No - but what does that really mean? I’m fumbling in the dark, struggling to make something out. But I’ve long ceased finding that original.  (Fumbling Quotes)