Function Quotes

Text Quotes
The designer must understand that form does not follow function nor does form follow a production process. For every use and for every production process there are innumerable equally attractive solutions (Function Quotes)
Cities must urge urban planners and architects to reinforce pedestrianism as an integrated city policy to develop lively, safe, sustainable and healthy cities. It is equally urgent to strengthen the social function of city space as a meeting place that contributes toward the aims of social sustainability and an open and democratic society (Function Quotes)
Perhaps the saddest irony of depression is that suicide happens when the patient gets a little better and can again function sufficiently (Function Quotes)
Sometimes, the elegant implementation is just a function. Not a method. Not a class. Not a framework. Just a function (Function Quotes)
The corollary of constant change is ignorance. This is not often talked about: we computer experts barely know what we’re doing. We’re good at fussing and figuring out. We function well in a sea of unknowns. Our experience has only prepared us to deal with confusion. A programmer who denies this is probably lying, or else is densely unaware of himself (Function Quotes)
Good friends, how then are meditation and wisdom alike? They are like the lamp and the light it gives forth. If there is a lamp there is light; if there is no lamp there is no light. The lamp is the substance of light; the light is the function of the lamp. Thus, although they have two names, in substance they are not two. Meditation and wisdom are also like this (Function Quotes)
Inevitably, people tell me that poor folks are lazy or unintelligent, that they are somehow deserving of their poverty. However, if you begin to look at the sociological literature on poverty, a more complex picture emerges. Poverty and unemployment are part and parcel of our economic order. Without them, capitalism would cease to function effectively, and in order to continue to function, the system itself must produce poverty and an army of underemployed or unemployed people (Function Quotes)
Medications can lower a woman’s sex drive and interfere with a woman’s ability to climax. These medications include antidepressants, birth control pills and hormone medications. I only know of three antidepressants that do not interfere with a woman’s sexual function (Function Quotes)
No economy can continue to function when the vast middle class and everybody else don’t have enough purchasing power to buy what the economy is capable of producing without going deeper and deeper into debt (Function Quotes)
Well look, no one takes pleasure from people making money out of the misery of others, but that is a function of capitalist markets (Function Quotes)
We spend our time sending messages to each other, talking and trying to listen at the same time, exchanging information. This seems to be our most urgent biological function; it is what we do with our lives (Function Quotes)
This is not remarkable, for, as we know, reality is not a function of the event as event, but of the relationship of that event to past, and future, events. We seem here to have a paradox: that the reality of an event, which is not real in itself, arises from the other events which, likewise, in themselves are not real. But this only affirms what we must affirm: that direction is all. And only as we realize this do we live, for our own identity is dependent upon this principal (Function Quotes)
Competition on the market aims at assigning to every individual that function in the social system in which he can render to all his fellow men the most valuable of the services he is able to perform (Function Quotes)
Reason’s biological function is to preserve and promote life and to postpone its extinction as long as possible. Thinking and acting are not contrary to nature; they are, rather, the foremost features of man’s nature. The most appropriate description of man as differentiated from nonhuman beings is: a being purposively struggling against the forces adverse to his life (Function Quotes)
Order is a necessary condition for making a structure function. A physical mechanism, be it a team of laborers, the body of an animal, or a machine, can work only if it is in physical order (Function Quotes)
I had proof that I had five senses, that I knew how to get myself to function! And then I lost my childhood (Function Quotes)
I have to go on writing because I wouldn’t be able to go on without writing. It is the only function that works for me, and without that function, I would die (Function Quotes)
Because of their very nature, science and logical thinking can never decide what is possible or impossible. Their only function is to explain what has been ascertained by experience and observation (Function Quotes)
Maybe this is a utopian view of art but I do believe that art can function as a vehicle, that it isn’t just a cultural pursuit, something that happens in art galleries. Unless art is linked to experience and the fear and joy of that, it becomes mere icing on the cake (Function Quotes)
What’s unique about transportation is that it’s the one function that repeats itself throughout the supply chain (Function Quotes)
To decide to reach for this blue and not that one, to switch styles or subject matter, to move, in the middle of a sentence, in one direction or another, to commit to this book when that one is also calling, are the sorts of choices that artists must make if they are to function (Function Quotes)
I function better when things are going badly than when they’re as smooth as whipped cream (Function Quotes)
Each celestial body, in fact each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element, while having it’s own function and character, contributes to the whole (Function Quotes)
Enlightened teachers are not logical. They don’t function from levels that are understandable to the human mind. They’re not religious. Religions form around them, usually after they’ve died (Function Quotes)
If I were constantly worried about death, I couldn’t function. After a while, if your life is more or less constantly in peril, you come to a point where you accept the possibility philosophically (Function Quotes)
Every light has a point where it is brightest and a point toward which it wanders to lose itself completely. It must be intercepted to fulfill its mission; it cannot function in a void. Light can go straight, penetrate and turn back, be reflected and deflected, gathered and spread, bent as by a soap bubble, made to sparkle and be blocked. Where it is no more is blackness, and where it begins is the core of its brightness. The journey of rays from that central core to the outposts of blackness is the adventure and drama of light (Function Quotes)
One great function of the arts is to keep ideals alive in a culture that does not yet realize them (Function Quotes)
The function of muscle is to pull and not to push, except in the case of the genitals and the tongue (Function Quotes)
I never view aesthetic ideas as having an existence purely of their own but as a function they have in connection with political or moral values (Function Quotes)
There is freedom in being a writer and writing. It is fulfilling your function. I used to think freedom meant doing whatever you want. It means knowing who you are, what you are supposed to be doing on this earth, and then simply doing it (Function Quotes)