Function Quotes

Text Quotes
Without computers, the government would be unable to function at the level of effectiveness and efficiency that we have come to expect... Today’s government uses computers which are capable of cranking out millions of documents per day without any regard whatsoever for their content, thereby freeing government employees for more important responsibilities, such as not answering their phones (Function Quotes)
You have certainly observed the curious fact that a given word which is perfectly clear when you hear it or use it in everyday language, and which does not give rise to any difficulty when it is engaged in the rapid movement of an ordinary sentence becomes magically embarrassing, introduces a strange resistance, frustrates any effort at definition as soon as you take it out of circulation to examine it separately and look for its meaning after taking away its instantaneous function (Function Quotes)
If you are an effective manager of your self, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a disciple, a follower, of your own deep values and their source. And you have the will, the integrity, to subordinate your feelings, your impulses, your moods to those values (Function Quotes)
Many people think that it is the function of a spiritual teaching to provide answers to life’s biggest questions, but actually, the opposite is true. The primary task of any good spiritual teaching is not to answer your questions, but to question your answers (Function Quotes)
I was amplifying the negative at the expense of the positive, not to serve any useful function, not to make my writing better, but to destroy it. The lizard brain, so attuned to people laughing behind our backs, was on high alert for this sort of criticism and would do anything it could to stop me from writing again. I haven’t sought out and read a review or a tweet since (Function Quotes)
There is an intellectual function in us which demands unity, connection and intelligibility from any material, whether of perception or thought, that comes within its grasp; and if, as a result of special circumstances, it is unable to establish a true connection, it does not hesitate to fabricate a false one (Function Quotes)
If we state the function of man to be a certain kind of life, and this to be an activity or actions of the soul implying a rational principle, and the function of a good man to be the good and noble performance of these, and if any action is well performed when it is performed in accordance with the appropriate excellence human good turns out to be activity of the soul in accordance with virtue, and if there are more than one virtue, in accordance with the best and most complete (Function Quotes)
By listening to his language of his locality the poet begins to learn his craft. It is his function to lift, by use of imagination and the language he hears, the material conditions and appearances of his environment to the sphere of the intelligence where they will have new currency (Function Quotes)
So everybody has some information. The function of the markets is to aggregate that information, evaluate it, and get it incorporated into prices (Function Quotes)
He was very much concerned with logic and function, he always worked his solos out before playing them (Function Quotes)
The lawyer has not reached the height of his vocation who does not find therein... Scope for a peculiar but genuine artistic function (Function Quotes)
Whether people care enough about local news to pay for it is, sadly, an entirely different question than whether our democracy requires a strong watchdog function at the local level to ensure safeguards against abuse, chicanery, and outright dishonesty (Function Quotes)
Furthermore, order is a necessary condition for making a structure function. A physical mechanism, be it a team of laborers, the body of an animal, or a machine, can work only if it is in physical order (Function Quotes)
The primary function of a theater is not to please itself, or even to please its audience. It is to serve talent (Function Quotes)
I think the first things that are relevant are that things should work well; they should function (Function Quotes)
This means that the only function of nuclear weapons, while they exist, is to deter a nuclear attack (Function Quotes)
To liberate words means first to shatter their function as vehicles of idea, memory, hope, or regret (Function Quotes)
It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error (Function Quotes)
The first function of a book review should be, I believe, to give some idea of the contents and character of the book (Function Quotes)
Government has a legitimate function, but the private sector has one too, and it is superior. In other words, people are better than institutions (Function Quotes)
Colour as perceived by us is a function of three independent variables at least three are I think sufficient, but time will show if I thrive (Function Quotes)
Each of our senses makes its own space, but no sense can function in isolation. Only as sight relates the touch, or kinaesthesia, or sound, can the eye see (Function Quotes)
3. It is our function as artists to make the spectator see the world our way not his way (Function Quotes)
The two party electoral system performs the essential function of helping to legitimate the existing social order (Function Quotes)
In actual fact, the female function is to relate, groove, love and be herself, irreplacable by anyone else (Function Quotes)
My function is to make whoever sees my films aware of his need to love and to give his love, and aware the beauty is summoning him (Function Quotes)
Best I can do for them is to give them every piece of information I can find and let them make the judgments. That’s just my basic view of my function as a journalist (Function Quotes)
It’s just that, when the orchestra look at me, I want them to see a completely involved person who reflects what we rehearsed, and whose function is to make it possible for them to do it (Function Quotes)
The female format is a beautiful one in which to function. Foolhardy as it may be. I change my image all the time, it’s whatever suits me at the moment (Function Quotes)
Workers do not strike every day, they cannot do that the way they function in the capitalist economy. The way they have to live by selling their labor power makes that impossible (Function Quotes)