Function Quotes

Text Quotes
I have serious concerns about the potential risks of taking lots of fish oil capsules. So much fish oil can have paradoxical effects, reducing immune function in later life. (Function Quotes)
You see people on TV flying in to places just to pick up a baby, or brush some flies away. That’s great if they can bring that issue to public attention. But that’s not what I wanted to do. I was interested in committing to something that I could function in whether I was Debra Winger or not. Because nobody might care about that next week. (Function Quotes)
I am interested in agricultural corporations and how they function. The idea that they own the genetics of our food supply is a really compelling thing to me. (Function Quotes)
Whether you function as welders or inspectors, the laws of physics are implacable lie-detectors. You may fool men. You will never fool the metal. (Function Quotes)
Your body’s made to run, to walk, to trek long distances and carry things, work in a forest, and hunt animals. You have to keep it alive to function. (Function Quotes)
Jackie O was so capable in so many ways. Hillary tried to redefine the role when she got into public policy, and Michelle Obama is able to move smoothly between form and function, style and substance. (Function Quotes)
Many of the familiar little things that we use every day have typically evolved over a period of time to a state of familiarity. They balance form and function, elegance and economy, success and failure in ways that are not only acceptable, but also admirable. (Function Quotes)
I looked up skin in the encyclopedia and confirmed that, sure enough, it is the human body’s largest organ, a fact that suggests our surfaces are critical to who we are, not just the gateway to physical or spiritual depths but a profoundly important web of cells that, in protecting us, gives us form and function. (Function Quotes)
We all know the future is mobile, right? And the iPhone and iPad are Perfect Expressions of Beauty, Ideal Combinations of Form and Function. Except they’re Not. (Function Quotes)
Form follows function, as the architects say. With words and pictures, you can do just about anything. (Function Quotes)
[I]ntrinsic value follows meaning follows form follows economics follows function follows more economics follows market research. (Function Quotes)
The form came out of the function because it is for the audience that already knows the show, while hoping to get a new audience, too. (Function Quotes)
I regard texture similar to the function of taste buds in our mouths. But in a visual form. Texture does create a specific flavour which affects our senses. (Function Quotes)
I do think that once you remove the limitations of the page, once you turn text transitive, meaning it can be clicked away from, the forward movement of text can be interrupted. But I don’t think this is just a function of technology. It’s also a function of cultural preference. (Function Quotes)
The classification of facts, the recognition of their sequence and relative significance is the function of science, and the habit of forming a judgment upon these facts unbiased by personal feeling is characteristic of what may be termed the scientific frame of mind. (Function Quotes)
It’s entirely possible to function as a free-thinking individual without succumbing to narcissism. This can be tricky at times, I suppose, but then so can the tango - particularly if you’re dancing alone. (Function Quotes)
What’s the function of poetry? It’s to express general truths, to connect with the reader and make him think: ‘Wow, I’ve experienced that, but you’ve expressed it so much better.’ (Function Quotes)
If you are not generous when it’s difficult, you will not be generous when it’s easy. Generosity is a function of the heart, not the wallet. (Function Quotes)
The function of a heart is to keep the body alive, I genuinely believe it is mind which takes care of everything else. (Function Quotes)
New synonyms for sex: Going to a family function, getting the hard part over with, anti-fillet. Get it? Sex! (Function Quotes)
The trickster’s function is to break taboos, create mischief, stir things up. In the end, the trickster gives people what they really want, some sort of freedom. (Function Quotes)
Ever since the Enlightenment, people thought that we were living in a rational universe. They thought that God was a mathematician and that the function of the scientist was to figure out the mathematical rules whereby the universe was created. (Function Quotes)
If God the Father and God the Son use light, knowledge, insight, understanding and wisdom to function on the earth, it means that is the greatest power in existence. (Function Quotes)
There are those airports which make you feel better, and there are those airports that, when you go there, your heart sinks: you can’t wait to get out of there. They both function as airports, but it’s the things that you can’t measure that make them different. (Function Quotes)
A vital function of the free market is to penalize inefficiency and misjudgment and to reward efficiency and good judgment. By distorting economic calculations and creating illusory profits, inflation will destroy this function. (Function Quotes)
Photography was not invented to serve a clearly understood function. There was in fact widespread uncertainty, even among its inventors, as to what it might be good for. (Function Quotes)
Good science and good art are always about a condition of awe ... I don’t think there is any other function for the poet or the scientist in the human tribe but the astonishment of the soul. (Function Quotes)
Don’t praise your own good shots. Leave that function to your partner who, if a good sport, will not be slow in performing it. (Function Quotes)
Words are good for saying what things are, but sometimes they don’t function for what things aren’t. (Function Quotes)
Economies typically do not function well in hyperinflation. The real value of government debt might disappear, but the economy is likely to disappear with it. (Function Quotes)