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Fundraising Quotes

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Online fundraising is so important to the Democratic Party  (Fundraising Quotes) When I was in office the fundraising was done by the party treasurers  (Fundraising Quotes) When I’m raising money, this fundraising, I’m thinking about the next fundraising. I’m thinking how I’m set up for it  (Fundraising Quotes) In an era when party fundraising is badly tainted, dinners are a really good way of raising cash for campaigning. Lots of people giving very small amounts of money through ticket sales and raffle prizes: yes, it’s much harder work than big donations, but I think it’s a more democratic and transparent way of fundraising.  (Fundraising Quotes) This fundraising is consuming us. It’s impossible to overstate, I think, what it’s doing to members and their ability to just focus on the job that they were elected to do. The collective concentration of the institution is being undermined every day by the need to fund-raise.  (Fundraising Quotes) Certainly, my advice is that communicating, lobbying, fundraising and engaging the public in policy and politics is far more exciting and inexpensive via the Internet. Old guard organizations like Common Cause had to evolve to embrace this new environment.  (Fundraising Quotes) My background is in biology. Before getting into the family business, I worked at the Predatory Bird Research Group at the University of California at Santa Cruz, fundraising for them.  (Fundraising Quotes) I don’t know a politician who enjoys fundraising. The system is such that the American people have lost faith.  (Fundraising Quotes) To a considerable extent we are faced by a technology arms race with terrorists. The communications revolution has made it easier for terrorist groups to reach out to vulnerable individuals with their violent extremist ideology and propaganda. It has also facilitated fundraising, recruitment and training  (Fundraising Quotes) I personally spend the majority of my time by far on outreach and education and fundraising and administration  (Fundraising Quotes) This is pure speculation, but for a period of time, a lot of getting into a party was through fundraising and volunteer work, and Republican women had more time to do that than democratic women, who were out there getting jobs  (Fundraising Quotes) Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission  (Fundraising Quotes) I think what it is is do not depend on the president to get you over the line. Do not depend on the fundraising, on the turnout operation, the president’s own popularity, because it’s not going to work  (Fundraising Quotes) When it comes to fundraising for a social enterprise, if you are pursuing your true passion, you’ll learn to become great at your craft because you’ll care so much about perfecting the skills necessary to make that dream a reality  (Fundraising Quotes) When you prohibit failure, you kill innovation. If you kill innovation in fundraising, you can’t raise more revenue. If you can’t raise more revenue, you can’t grow. And if you can’t grow, you can’t possibly solve large social problems  (Fundraising Quotes) Our privacy is starting to be invaded and we can’t get anything done. I’m happy with the fundraising but upset we don’t have time to talk and meet with people  (Fundraising Quotes) I’m also involved in the rights of the disabled and do some fundraising for that and I thought it would have been a big boost for the campaign but it couldn’t be worked out  (Fundraising Quotes) Anybody who is running a marathon or doing a walkathon, doing a fundraiser for their school, their company, by far it’s guaranteed the easiest and most fun way to quickly set up a fundraising campaign and send it around to your friends and family  (Fundraising Quotes)