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Funerals Quotes

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Crying: Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon  (Funerals Quotes) It’s my policy not to review funerals  (Funerals Quotes) And funerals are pretty compared to deaths  (Funerals Quotes) Funerals... are for the living  (Funerals Quotes) Funerals prove that someone is really gone  (Funerals Quotes) I hate funerals. I never know what to say. Just say, “I’m sorry for your loss” and move on. I’m sorry for your loss, move on  (Funerals Quotes) Depressions may bring people closer to the church but so do funerals  (Funerals Quotes) Funerals are a pagan rite. There’s not any doubt about it.  (Funerals Quotes) Never joke at funerals, or during business transactions  (Funerals Quotes) A close relative is one you see occasionally between family funerals  (Funerals Quotes) If you don’t go to other men funerals they won’t go to yours  (Funerals Quotes) Weddings and funerals are when you figure out who your real friends are  (Funerals Quotes) Funerals are all abstract ceremony  (Funerals Quotes) I hate funerals and would not attend my own if it could be avoided  (Funerals Quotes) Funerals are a pagan rite. There’s not any doubt about it  (Funerals Quotes) What does long life avail? The best seats at the funerals of friends  (Funerals Quotes) Old age: I fall asleep during the funerals of my friends  (Funerals Quotes) Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours  (Funerals Quotes) Funerals are pretty compared to death  (Funerals Quotes) You can easily take photographs at a wedding - no one would question it. But funerals are different  (Funerals Quotes) What’s even more messed up than funerals, is the way people treat you after the funeral. Like you’re diseased or something.  (Funerals Quotes) There’s nothing that makes me laugh more than being in the situation where you’re not supposed to laugh. Funerals. People crying. Breaking down. Telling you their life. I’m the worst. I’m the worst at that  (Funerals Quotes) What does homophobia look like when it’s stripped bare of fancy costumes like family values and tradition? It looks like that group of strange, angry people who protest at the funerals of U.S. soldiers who’ve died fighting for our country  (Funerals Quotes) When people connect to my work, it makes me feel great. A lot of that stuff is really deep, and when I play something and people feel what I feel, and use it in important situations in their lives, like at weddings or funerals, that’s so powerful. It means I can connect with them on an important level  (Funerals Quotes) The vice president has two duties. One is to inquire daily as to the health of the president, and the other is to attend the funerals of third world dictators. And neither of those do I find an enjoyable exercise  (Funerals Quotes) A thousand people will stop smoking today. Their funerals will be held sometime in the next three or four days  (Funerals Quotes) I just think that funerals are a lot like death itself. You can have your wishes, your plans, but at the end of the day, it’s out of your control  (Funerals Quotes) My parents would frisk me before family events. Before weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs, and what have you. Because if they didn’t, then the book would be hidden inside some pocket or other and as soon as whatever it was got under way I’d be found in a corner. That was who I was...that was what I did. I was the kid with the book.  (Funerals Quotes) Although I have always loved the noise of laughter, I really can’t fear the coming of quiet. As for funerals, I rather like them. Such nice things are always said about the deceased, I feel sad that they had to miss hearing it all by just a few days  (Funerals Quotes) Another weird thing about funerals: Wear black but kill something as colorful as flowers to decorate  (Funerals Quotes)
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