Funny But True Quotes

Text Quotes
I was going to do that but then you told me to (Funny But True Quotes)
Internet comment section in real life (Funny But True Quotes)
Having sex doesn't make you an adult. But it could make you a baby (Funny But True Quotes)
If you tickle me i'm not responsible for your injuries (Funny But True Quotes)
Wake me up at 3am, I'll kill you (Funny But True Quotes)
Me at night (Funny But True Quotes)
If he truly loves me, he'll let me sleep (Funny But True Quotes)
When all else fails take a nap (Funny But True Quotes)
I'll never be old enough to know better (Funny But True Quotes)
Shopping is cheaper than therapy (Funny But True Quotes)
Mooooooooooooonday, Tuuuuuuuesday, Weeeeeeednesday, Thuuuuuuursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (Funny But True Quotes)
Technically the glass is always full (Funny But True Quotes)
What does not kill you will likely try again (Funny But True Quotes)
Today was going great until, people (Funny But True Quotes)
Life is short. False. It's the longest thing you do (Funny But True Quotes)
My face when I miss my alarm (Funny But True Quotes)
For some, there's therapy. For the rest of us there's chocolate (Funny But True Quotes)
As long as everything is exactly the way I want, I'm totally flexible (Funny But True Quotes)
When mom is alone with the baby. When dad is alone with the baby (Funny But True Quotes)
I have nothing to wear (Funny But True Quotes)
All generalizations are false, including this one (Funny But True Quotes)
How I feel watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show (Funny But True Quotes)
What being an adult feels like (Funny But True Quotes)
Both of us can't look good at the same time - it's me or the house. (Funny But True Quotes)
Big or small, young or old, I think most men will agree... women are scary (Funny But True Quotes)
The other side of the picture (Funny But True Quotes)
Why she might be upset. Part 1 (Funny But True Quotes)
How I want to spend every minute of every day (Funny But True Quotes)
Girls checking out men. Men checking out girls Daaaaamn!! (Funny But True Quotes)
Everybody has that one drawer (Funny But True Quotes)