Funny Fishing Quotes
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Text Quotes
Sorry I was out sick all week, my arm was in a cast (Funny Fishing Quotes)
Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught (Funny Fishing Quotes)
My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it (Funny Fishing Quotes)
I believe in catch and release. In other words, you can't spend the night (Funny Fishing Quotes)
Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths (Funny Fishing Quotes)
They say there are plenty of fish in the sea, but I'm a pretty bad fisherman. (Funny Fishing Quotes)
The solution to any problem – work, love, money, whatever – is to go fishing, and the worse the problem, the longer the trip should be (Funny Fishing Quotes)
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in his boat and drink all day (Funny Fishing Quotes)
There is no greater fan of fly fishing than the worm (Funny Fishing Quotes)
You're gonna need a bigger boat (Funny Fishing Quotes)
There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot (Funny Fishing Quotes)
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish, and feed yourself. He's a grown man. And fishing's not that hard (Funny Fishing Quotes)
The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad (Funny Fishing Quotes)
An angler is a man who spends rainy days sitting around on the muddy banks of rivers doing nothing because his wife won't let him do it at home (Funny Fishing Quotes)
Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend (Funny Fishing Quotes)
There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process (Funny Fishing Quotes)
The fish and I were both stunned to find ourselves connected by a line (Funny Fishing Quotes)
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a fish a man, and he'll eat for weeks. (Funny Fishing Quotes)
It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming (Funny Fishing Quotes)
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