Funny Quotes

Text Quotes
Girls, if a boy says something that isn't funny, you don't have to laugh (Funny Quotes)
Funny thing. I just got back from the center of the universe... I didn't see you anywhere (Funny Quotes)
But mooooom (Funny Quotes)
Don't bite the hand that feeds you - bite the other one (Funny Quotes)
He's making that face again, isn't he. Nope (Funny Quotes)
Oh you ordered some pizza. That's funny because I ordered some sits (Funny Quotes)
How can you not care? Like this (Funny Quotes)
How I want to spend every minute of every day (Funny Quotes)
Those 10 seconds after your laptop dies and you are hopelessly staring at a dark screen (Funny Quotes)
When you start paying your own power bill (Funny Quotes)
You never yell when the cat does it (Funny Quotes)
That awkward moment when you realize that this potato looks better in a bikini than you (Funny Quotes)
There, there (Funny Quotes)
The other side of the picture (Funny Quotes)
It's funny how most people love the dead, once you're dead your made for life (Funny Quotes)
I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member (Funny Quotes)
I haven't slept for 10 days, because that would be too long (Funny Quotes)
Help! They are kidnapping me (Funny Quotes)
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe (Funny Quotes)
What I think I look like eating alone. What I actually look like (Funny Quotes)
Here’s one that tried to escape from the kitchen (Funny Quotes)
Individuality. So others can learn from your mistakes (Funny Quotes)
What I think I look like. What I actually look like (Funny Quotes)
Mouth says eat. Legs say no (Funny Quotes)
What I think I look like when checking our girls. What I actually look like (Funny Quotes)
Time out Agnes. You know what you did (Funny Quotes)
And that’s how karma works (Funny Quotes)
You... had better make the right choices here (Funny Quotes)
Girls checking out men. Men checking out girls Daaaaamn!! (Funny Quotes)
Looks like. Feels like (Funny Quotes)