Funny Quotes

Text Quotes
Yoga is my favorite way to pretend to work out (Funny Quotes)
What I love most about children is that they're not mine (Funny Quotes)
Sorry I was psychotically jealous (Funny Quotes)
My wife and I have five children. And the reason why we have five children is because we Do Not...Want...Six (Funny Quotes)
Do not want! (Funny Quotes)
Soon. Nevermind now! (Funny Quotes)
Our language is funny - a fat chance and slim chance are the same thing (Funny Quotes)
Don't believe everything you read on the Internet just because there's a picture with a quote next to it (Funny Quotes)
I'm not actually funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking (Funny Quotes)
What do you mean funny? Funny how? (Funny Quotes)
I can't go because I don't want to (Funny Quotes)
Please tell me, I'm almost there (Funny Quotes)
And remember, it's also very funny, because side by side with grief lies joy (Funny Quotes)
Cat logic. Full. Empty (Funny Quotes)
For meeee!? (Funny Quotes)
My primary responsibility is to be funny (Funny Quotes)
Oh you! (Funny Quotes)
Angelina Jolie showed up. Told me to pack my bags (Funny Quotes)
When your daughter asks you why she has to study... show her this photo (Funny Quotes)
It’s... so... beautiful (Funny Quotes)
Oh, my God. He’s online. Can he see me? (Funny Quotes)
I don't need to manager my anger. I need everyone else to manage not to piss me off (Funny Quotes)
This summarizes my love life. I’m the guy in blue (Funny Quotes)
Will you marry me! Yes pizza, I will marry you (Funny Quotes)
When a girl says “ok have fun” DO NOT HAVE FUN. Abort mission. I repeat, abort mission (Funny Quotes)
She’s right, if I were a guy and.. Did I just say “If I were a guy”? (Funny Quotes)
You look like I need a drink (Funny Quotes)
It's funny how the harder I work the more successful I become (Funny Quotes)
Never. Give up (Funny Quotes)
I wonder if caterpillars know they’re gonna fly some day or they just start building a cocoon and are like ‘why am I doing this?’ (Funny Quotes)