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Furor Quotes

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This is a confusing and uncertain period, when a thousand wise words can go completely unnoticed, and one thoughtless word can provoke an utterly nonsensical furor  (Furor Quotes) I’d only read a bit of the first book. and I just knew about all the media furor over it. But I’d not read books 2 or 3. I’d just read a bit of it. and I’d seen the films  (Furor Quotes) The liberals’ present furor over the CIA’s covert operations against al-Qaida suggests that they harbor a death wish not only for themselves but also for the whole country.  (Furor Quotes) I don’t think there is any religious revival. I think what we are hearing, the furor, is merely the hysterical response of the churches the handwriting on the wall that they are seeing.  (Furor Quotes)