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Gagging Quotes

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I am often thought of as being remarkably bright, and yet my brains, more often than not, are busily devising new and interesting ways of bringing my enemies to sudden, gagging, writhing, agonizing death  (Gagging Quotes) A river of images and thoughts and feelings, dirtied and polluted so that no one could drink from it without gagging  (Gagging Quotes) It's not like I ever wanted to wake up and just be a grossly overpaid, self-loathing, can't look in the mirror without gagging TV writer  (Gagging Quotes) You might be a redneck if your dog can’t watch you eat without gagging  (Gagging Quotes) This is a truism of child-raising, of course - whatever you give special time and attention to cooking, your children will despise and reject, with annoying gagging sounds.  (Gagging Quotes) Contrary to popular belief, editors and agents are gagging for good books  (Gagging Quotes)