Gail Collins Quotes

Text Quotes
Nobody gets to grow old in the America they grew up in (Gail Collins Quotes)
There’s more student debt than credit card debt! Everywhere I go, I run into young people trying to build careers while they keep shelling out money on their education loans. If the economy is looking for a new generation of home-buyers, I can’t imagine they’ll get it from these folks (Gail Collins Quotes)
Once when I was working for the Daily News, I was summoned back to work from vacation because Donald Trump announced he was getting a divorce. (Gail Collins Quotes)
The history of American women is all about leaving home - crossing oceans and continents, or getting jobs and living on their own. (Gail Collins Quotes)
You know what Americans are really sensitive to? Issues of fairness. I think this is a modern phenomenon, born of the civil rights movement. Once you convince Americans that something is basically unfair, you’ve got a winning cause. (Gail Collins Quotes)
How do you give smart, accomplished, ambitious women the same opportunities as men to reach their goals? What about universal preschool and after-school programs? What about changing the corporate mind-set about the time commitment it takes to move up the ladder? What about having more husbands step up and take the major load? (Gail Collins Quotes)
Lobbyists really are experts in their fields and know what they are talking about. That’s why the government always listens to them as they tell the government what it’s doing wrong and what it should be doing instead (Gail Collins Quotes)
[Ella Baker]’s second defining characteristic was her dislike of top-down leadership... ‘She felt leaders were not appointed but the rose up. Someone will rise. Someone will emerge’. It was an attitude Baker shared with some of the older women in the movement (Gail Collins Quotes)
This is America, and we don’t restrict our battles over people’s sex lives to 11 months a year (Gail Collins Quotes)
You know, I have a lot of books on my iPad, but when I try to read them, I find myself wandering off to play games. Those are books I’m interested in. I can’t imagine what would have happened to me in college if my biology class had been on the same computer as ‘Words With Friends’ and ‘Doom.’ (Gail Collins Quotes)
When the women’s movement began, it was a middle-class phenomenon. Certainly, black women had other stuff to think about in the 60s besides a women’s movement. Working-class women were slow to get into it (Gail Collins Quotes)
When the simple word processors came in, writing became crisper, less dense - just because of the way we could instantly edit on the screen. Now the ability to mash up words and pictures and links and songs and tweets is what matters. I can’t imagine what writing will be like in 2154 (Gail Collins Quotes)
Until Eleanor Roosevelt, there was only one or two First Ladies in all of American history who made an impact, who people could even have recognized or identified. And it’s really only been since Jackie Kennedy that there’s been this idea that the family life of the president is such a central thing (Gail Collins Quotes)
I’m being driven crazy by people who are obsessed with limiting the scope of government, but feel perfectly free to demand that government get involved in women’s most personal choices. (Gail Collins Quotes)
There have been tons of politicians who were slow to accept equal rights when it meant changes in the established social order. Many eventually came around, admitted they were wrong, and were forgiven. But the ones who actively choose hate-mongering don’t ever get a pass (Gail Collins Quotes)
There are competing studies on how much crime drops or doesn’t drop when there are strict rules on gun possession and sale. I don’t think there’s any question that New York City’s very tough laws have reduced violence (Gail Collins Quotes)
The whole student loan thing drives me completely nuts. If it wasn’t possible for 18-year-olds to sign themselves up for tens of thousands of dollars in debt in order to pay their college bills, the state governments wouldn’t have found it so politically easy to cut taxpayer support for public colleges and universities (Gail Collins Quotes)
The middle of ‘America’s Women’ is about the Civil War, and how women, black and white, confronted slavery and abolition. As in every other period of crisis, the rules of sexual decorum were suspended due to emergency (Gail Collins Quotes)
The IRS targeting certain groups for harassment because of their politics would be unfair. If we found out the NSA was keeping special tabs on everyone who worshiped at a mosque or took a Bible trip through the Middle East, you’d have an uprising (Gail Collins Quotes)
The high point was that the people are really nice - despite the crazy politics - and I loved being there. The hardest part was knowing some of the things I was probably going to write about Texas would make those nice people very unhappy (Gail Collins Quotes)
Texas has no income tax, which is a big draw for corporate executives who do business there. But it’s hardly tax-free. The property taxes are high for a Southern state. The sales taxes are high. One study found that the bottom 20 percent of the Texas population pays 12 percent of its income in state and local taxes (Gail Collins Quotes)
Take Hispanic voters. They favor Democrats because they like the party’s programs, from health care reform to government spending on education. It’s not because the Republicans don’t have a big enough Office of Hispanic Outreach (Gail Collins Quotes)
Sarah Palin is an heir to the women’s movement. She has not been constrained by gender. At no point in her life has she thought, ‘I can’t do that because I’m a woman.’ (Gail Collins Quotes)
One line I’d draw would be on raising the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare. It sounds fair, since people are living longer. But it isn’t. Lower income workers are the ones who find it hardest to keep working after 65. And they’ll get penalized with lower benefits (Gail Collins Quotes)
Once you’re done being president, you tend to want to defend your record more than plumb your inner feelings. I find it hard to imagine Obama going home at night and writing sensitive, introspective journal entries about his meeting with John Boehner (Gail Collins Quotes)
If you live in a place that you perceive to be a crowded place, you appreciate government; you see it as this thing that protects you against crime, that keeps order, that makes sure that nobody puts a massage parlor next to your house, that keeps other people’s dogs from pooping on the sidewalk. (Gail Collins Quotes)
When people say this isn’t the America they grew up in, they’re right. Nobody gets to grow old in the America they grew up in. (Gail Collins Quotes)
I picked up my college copy of ‘The Great Gatsby’ in an attempt to recover from the movie and was interested to find out what I’d underlined. The answer was basically: everything. (Gail Collins Quotes)
There are a lot of people in Congress who would never have made a great career or fortune in any other profession. But after they spend a while hanging out with the rich guys, they begin to feel they’ve been undervalued, and that an eventual seven-figure income as a lobbyist isn’t just an opportunity, it’s their due. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Texas is a great place to be rich and a terrible place to be poor. It’s got the highest percentage of people without health insurance in the country. If you get injured on the job, good luck getting workers’ comp. And God help you if you’re poor and mentally ill. (Gail Collins Quotes)