Gail Collins Quotes

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When I started giving talks about women’s history, one of the things that bothered me was the tendency to say, ‘Well, everybody was totally oppressed and suddenly in 1964 we rose up, got our freedom, and here we are.’ It dismisses the women who fought for rights for several hundred years of our history up to that point. (Gail Collins Quotes)
There are lots of reasons for that gap between men’s and women’s wages but to me, the big one is the work-family issue. Trying to juggle children and a job is tough under any circumstances, but especially if you’re shooting for the kind of career that involves long hours at work and being on call 24-7. (Gail Collins Quotes)
The work-family divide is the biggest issue for American women. But in some ways it’s amazing how adjusted society has become to it. In the 1970s, as women began to take more jobs, society was reeling. (Gail Collins Quotes)
I’m sort of suspicious of most economic development projects, but the ones that encourage taxpayer-funded relocation bidding wars should be declared unconstitutional. (Gail Collins Quotes)
You reduce illegal immigration by making it harder to get jobs here, or easier to get jobs south of the border. This idea that we can’t pass an immigration law until we hit some imaginary security target is just a way to derail reform. (Gail Collins Quotes)
For the undocumented immigrants, the big priority is just to get out from the shadows, be able to get a driver’s license, buy an airplane ticket and stop worrying about sudden deportation. But for the country as a whole, it’s crucial that everybody have a citizen’s stake in the nation’s welfare. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Despite my excellent mood, I don’t have any sympathy for Romney. If he’d been a good candidate he wouldn’t have had a different campaign for every month on the calendar. (Gail Collins Quotes)
I am prepared to admit that when it comes to dealing with the House and Senate leaders, Obama is terrible. But he’s great with the public. Which hates the House and Senate as much as he does. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Now my poor hometown is being castigated as the center of an IRS scandal. Humble workers at the Cincinnati office targeted Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations for special scrutiny when those groups applied for tax-exempt status. There’s no conceivable excuse for that. It was deeply, deeply wrong (Gail Collins Quotes)
It’s possible that you have been told a time or 10 that you don’t appreciate how tough your elders had it. It’s true that, if you had been coming of age back in, say, 1960, you would probably be feeling more restricted, if only because you were doomed to spend your days in a skirt, nylon stockings and girdle. (Gail Collins Quotes)
You know, I really miss sex scandals. They’re generally colorful. They almost never mean anything over the long run. And while they’re going on, the people who actually keep the government running are let alone to go about their business. Good old sex scandals. (Gail Collins Quotes)
One very clear memory I have of college is that I never learned anything in the big lectures. I have a feeling I’d have done even worse if they’d been on a laptop screen. (Gail Collins Quotes)
In college, the guys aren’t worrying about whether they’ll be able to pursue their career dreams and still have kids. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Gay rights is just a matter of time. Look at the polls. Worrying about gay marriage, let alone gay civil unions or gay employment rights, is a middle-age issue. Young people just can’t see the problem. At worst, gays are going to win this one just by waiting until the opposition dies off. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Whenever you bring up women’s internal workings, guys want to change the subject. Unless, of course, they’re trying to change the laws. (Gail Collins Quotes)
To be honest, I haven’t seen much serious budget planning since the Republicans took control of the House after the 2010 elections and grabbed onto the Senate filibuster. It’s not the White House’s fault that John Boehner couldn’t deliver on a bigger deal. (Gail Collins Quotes)
When the women’s movement started in the 1960s, there was a vision of a future where women didn’t wear makeup or worry about how their hair looked, and everybody wore sensible, comfortable clothes. It ran into an absolute brick wall. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Conservatives were sure that if you eliminated welfare for single moms, it would eliminate - or at lease greatly reduce - single motherhood. So in 1996 we had welfare reform. Did not change the trend in the least. Soon half of all babies will be born out of wedlock. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Personally, I’d be really glad to have a national conversation about whether to outlaw most forms of birth control. For once, the kids and their grandparents would find themselves on the same side. (Gail Collins Quotes)
Well, it’d certainly be fascinating if we discovered that gays were better at being married than heterosexuals are. Talk about irony. (Gail Collins Quotes)
I used to like John McCain, too, but I must admit that was because he was bucking his party to do things I agreed with. I would not have had that reaction if, say, Bernie Sanders decided to rebel out of principle and support privatizing Social Security (Gail Collins Quotes)
First they gerrymander us into one-party fiefs. Then they tell us they only care about the swing districts. Then they complain about voter apathy (Gail Collins Quotes)
Over the long run, many of Perry’s stances boil down to following the money (Gail Collins Quotes)
My own dream is that we discover that the NSA has been secretly keeping files on members of the National Rifle Association (Gail Collins Quotes)
Once when I was working for the Daily News, I was summoned back to work from vacation because Donald Trump announced he was getting a divorce (Gail Collins Quotes)
This is the moment when I should also admit that when the Internet first arrived I kept telling people it was a fad (Gail Collins Quotes)
When people say this isn’t the America they grew up in, they’re right. Nobody gets to grow old in the America they grew up in (Gail Collins Quotes)
Despite my excellent mood, I don’t have any sympathy for Romney. If he’d been a good candidate he wouldn’t have had a different campaign for every month on the calendar (Gail Collins Quotes)
My only thought about Margaret Thatcher is the same one I had about Ronald Reagan. I hated a lot of what they did, but once in a while a country just needs a change (Gail Collins Quotes)
Sarah Palin is treated like a bimbo sometimes, but she has never given the public the respect they deserve. She acts silly and doesn’t know stuff. She didn’t even finish her term (Gail Collins Quotes)