Gail Sheehy Quotes

Text Quotes
Being a pathfinder is to be willing to risk failure and still go on (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
No one can control the aging process or the trajectory of illness (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Very few women manage to have it all; certainly not all at once (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
We see it in the body, that if you just give the body enough rest and comfort, it has remarkable self-healing capacities. Well, so does the spirit. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
One of the ways we women often handicap ourselves is thinking that once we’ve made a decision or a commitment, we can’t change. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
In my memoir, I admit that I’ve been as fearful of success as of failure. In fact, when ‘Passages’ was published, I so dreaded bad reviews that I ran away to Italy with a girlfriend and our children to hide out. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Husbands come and go; children come and eventually they go. Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that’s never lost is your sister. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
This is something caregivers have to understand: You have to ask for help. You have to realize that you deserve to ask for help. Because you need to keep on working on your own life. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
We have to move from the unbridled pursuit of self-gain at the expense of others to recovering appreciation for what we gain by caring and sharing with one another. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
I found that female pathfinders generally integrate characteristics commonly associated with being women - like the capacity to be intimate - with ‘male’ ones like ambition and courage. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Career-driven millennials are strategic about working obsessively while they are single and earning enough money to afford advanced education. Most are patient enough to wait until 30 or later to develop their dream. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
The dream for many millennial women is to make a difference as social or political entrepreneurs. They are using the social media and marketing tools they have mastered to empower less fortunate women and direct them onto career tracks that women have traditionally avoided, like science and technology (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
The fundamental steps of expansion that will open a person, over time, to the full flowering of his or her individuality are the same for both genders. But men and women are rarely in the same place struggling with the same questions at the same age (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
The work of adult life is not easy. As in childhood, each step presents not only new tasks of development but requires a letting go of the techniques that worked before. With each passage some magic must be given up, some cherished illusion of safety and comfortably familiar sense of self must be cast off, to allow for the greater expansion of our distinctiveness (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Speed as a drug disorganizes the personality; speed as the goal of information dissemination commits a subtler crime. People are mainlining our words. We rarely read of the rational alternatives, only of the commands that all must change or else. This is a prescription for public panic (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Children may need challenges and high-risk conditions in order to develop the self-generated immunity to trauma that characterizes survivors. To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Would that there were an award for people who come to understand the concept of enough. Good enough. Successful enough. Thin enough. Rich enough. Socially responsible enough. When you have self-respect, you have enough (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
My husband, Clay Felker, died 17 years after his first cancer due to secondary conditions that developed from treatment. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
By listening, by caring, by playing you back to yourself, friends ratify your better instincts and endorse your unique worth. Friends validate you (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Adapting to our Second Adulthood is not all about the money. It requires thinking about how to find a new locus of identity or how to adjust to a spouse who stops working and who may loll, enjoying coffee and reading the paper online while you’re still commuting. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
It is Hillary’s [Clinton] star power that radiates to every corner of the ballroom. New York bigwigs, such as financial-media impresario Michael Bloomberg, attorney and labor mediator Theodore Kheel, and District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, crane to see her. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
In the case of my husband, we found that facing a life-threatening illness prodded us to make a dramatic change in our lives. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
You have a new role: family caregiver. It’s a role nobody applies for. You don’t expect it. You won’t be prepared. You probably won’t even identify yourself as a caregiver. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
In rough times, pathfinders rely on work, friends, humor and prayer. They develop a support network. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
Eventually, all mentor-disciple relationships are meant to pull apart, usually sometime in the mid-30s. Those who hang on, eventually the mentor drops the disciple, and that’s no fun. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
I was devastated when I got the review for my first book. The book came out a couple years before the women’s movement broke through, and people were putting it down, asking, ‘Why does the woman in this book need to get a divorce? Why can’t she just shut up and be happy?’ (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
I did not give my daughter the kind of childhood anybody would want. The vision of the divided loyalty between a mother and father who don’t live together and don’t share in decisions is a great depravation for children. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)
If you begin to think you are solely responsible for keeping your loved one alive and safe, you will eventually find yourself playing God. This phase can develop into an unhealthy, codependent relationship. (Gail Sheehy Quotes)