Gain Quotes

Text Quotes
I am dying, but with a strong hope and persuasion that my country will gain her independence (Gain Quotes)
And I feel that we in our society should not be held by any such myth; that we should do everything we can to gain a delight and joy in our society with all the available parts of the palette (Gain Quotes)
Embellish truth only with a view to gain it the more full and free admission into your hearer’s minds; and your ornaments will, in that case, be simple, masculine, natural (Gain Quotes)
That possession which we gain by the sword is not lasting; gratitude for benefits is eternal (Gain Quotes)
The assumption that individuals act objectively in accordance with purely mathematical dictates to maximize their gain or utility cannot be sustained by empirical observation (Gain Quotes)
Not every defeat of authority is a gain for individual freedom, nor every judicial rescue of a convict a victory for liberty (Gain Quotes)
The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain (Gain Quotes)
Every age has its peculiar folly: Some scheme, project, or fantasy into which it plunges, spurred on by the love of gain, the necessity of excitement, or the force of imitation (Gain Quotes)
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Gain Quotes)
In order to gain and to hold the esteem of men it is not sufficient merely to possess wealth or power. The wealth or power must be put in evidence, for esteem is awarded only on evidence (Gain Quotes)
To gain one’s way is no escape from the responsibility for an inferior solution (Gain Quotes)
Shakespeare... For gain not glory, winged his roving flight, and grew immortal in his own despite (Gain Quotes)
We must be willing to learn the lesson that cooperation may imply compromise, but if it brings a world advance it is a gain for each individual nation (Gain Quotes)
What is does a person profit if they gain the whole world and lose their soul (Gain Quotes)
Our true acquisitions lie only in our charities. We gain only as we give. There is no beggar so destitute as he who can afford nothing to his neighbor (Gain Quotes)
A person that would secure to himself great deference will, perhaps, gain his point by silence as effectually as by anything he can say (Gain Quotes)
Living in a constant chase after gain compels people to expend their spirit to the point of exhaustion (Gain Quotes)
Yet how much less it were to gain, though thou hast left me free, the loveliest things that still remain, than thus remember thee (Gain Quotes)
True grace is natural, not artificial, because, however strenuously you strive to gain it, when it is gained it never gives the impression of effort or straining for effect (Gain Quotes)
Sincerely to aspire after virtue is to gain her, and zealously to labor after her wages is to receive them (Gain Quotes)
A wise minister would rather preserve peace than gain a victory, because he knows that even the most successful war leaves nations generally more poor, always more profligate, than it found them (Gain Quotes)
Happy he who far from business, like the primitive are of mortals, cultivates with his own oxen the fields of his fathers, free from all anxieties of gain (Gain Quotes)
Shun to seek what is hid in the womb of the morrow, and set down as gain in life’s ledger whatever time fate shall have granted thee (Gain Quotes)
Virginity, like all monstrosities, possesses special riches and its own absorbing grandeur. Among the chaste, life forces are economized and thus gain in resistance and durability (Gain Quotes)
It may almost be held that the hope of commercial gain has done nearly as much for the cause of truth as even the love of truth (Gain Quotes)
This is the truth as I see it, my dear, out in the wind and the rain: They who have nothing have little to fear, nothing to lose or to gain (Gain Quotes)
Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate (Gain Quotes)
Consciousness must essentially cover an interval of time; for if it did not, we could gain no knowledge of time, and not merely no veracious cognition of it, but no conception whatever. We are therefore, forced to say that we are immediately conscious through an infinitesimal interval of time (Gain Quotes)
If there is something to gain and nothing to lose by asking, by all means ask! (Gain Quotes)
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name (Gain Quotes)