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Games Quotes

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I would certainly end up forever crying the blues into a coffee cup in a park for old men playing chess or silly games of some sort  (Games Quotes) To be born to create, to love, to win at games is to be born to live in time of peace. But war teaches us to lose everything and become what we were not. It all becomes a question of style  (Games Quotes) All pro sports, as well as the NCAA, should thank God every day we have sports betting here... We have the only agency in the world that regulates the honesty of games  (Games Quotes) No. No games. He wanted her and didn’t care who knew it. He definitely and absolutely wanted her, longed for her, wanted to do more things than there were names for with her  (Games Quotes) Gods play games with the fates of men. But first they have to get all the pieces on the board and look all over the place for the dice  (Games Quotes) It’s funny how you can know your friends so well, but you still end up playing the same games with them  (Games Quotes) I don’t think most people take honest well. They prefer the games. They want to believe the pretty lies  (Games Quotes) And even if she says no, and really means yes, then quite frankly she’s playing games and isn’t worth the price of dinner  (Games Quotes) Don’t get caught up in fashion games. These kids probably think we’re old, nark conformists or something, but really, they’re just conforming in their own ways. They’re conforming to nonconformity  (Games Quotes) And here I am, strapped into a tree, a stone’s throw from the biggest idiot in the games  (Games Quotes) In the games of queens and kings, we leave our dreams at the door and we make do with what we have. Sometimes if we’re fortunate, we still manage to have a good life  (Games Quotes) Young man, the games we play are lessons we learn. The assumptions we make, things we ignore, and things we change make us what we become  (Games Quotes) Children’s games are stronger than you remember once you’ve grown up and left them behind. They’re always fair, and never kind  (Games Quotes) Coyote never loses. Because I change the rules of the games my enemies play. What are the rules of your game?  (Games Quotes) Life’s too short to pretend and play games like that. I want to spend my time hanging out with people who make me feel good about myself. People who make me happy  (Games Quotes) Life exists without rules; games cannot exist without rules. So real religion is always without rules; only false religion has rules, because false religion is a game  (Games Quotes) Maybe I had three children in the first place so I wouldn’t ever have to play board games. In my religion, martyrs die  (Games Quotes) Auto racing, bull fighting, and mountain climbing are the only real sports... all the others are games  (Games Quotes) I do not play games. There is not time for it. When I get through with work, I don’t want anything that requires the working of the mind  (Games Quotes) Jury verdicts, basketball games, and even music are enough to set off black rage, it seems  (Games Quotes) A grandmaster needs to retain thousands of games in his head, for games are to him what the words of their mother tongue are to ordinary people, or notes or scores to musicians  (Games Quotes) An agent won’t help you get drafted higher, won’t make you win more games, and won’t make you faster or stronger  (Games Quotes) What’s the point of dating without games? How do you know if you’re winning or losing?  (Games Quotes) Children’s games are hardly games. Children are never more serious than when they play  (Games Quotes) Winning games, titles and championships isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but getting there, the journey, is a lot more than it’s cracked up to be  (Games Quotes) Most of the exercise I get is from standing and walking around laboratory tables all day. I derive more benefit and entertainment from this than some of my friends and competitors get from playing games like golf  (Games Quotes) Rise free from care before the dawn and seek adventure. Let the noon find you by other lakes, and the night overtake thee everywhere at home. There are no larger fields than these, no worthier games than may here be played  (Games Quotes) I missed 9000 shots in my career, lost almost 300 games and missed the shot to win the game 26 times  (Games Quotes) Avoid compulsion and let early education be a matter of amusement. Young children learn by games; compulsory education cannot remain in the soul  (Games Quotes) For all men live by truth, and stand in need of expression. In love, in art, in avarice, in politics, in labor, in games, we study to utter our painful secret. The man is only half himself, the other half is his expression  (Games Quotes)
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