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Games Quotes

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I’m a huge ‘Call of Duty’ fan, ‘Minecraft’ and all those kinds of video games. I’m constantly playing video games every day.  (Games Quotes) I’m a gamer, so I play 2k,’ ‘Call of Duty,’ and ‘Madden.’ I think I can play those games every day.  (Games Quotes) Of all the games I’ve done, the only time I’ve ever lost my voice was on ‘Call Of Duty 2,’ playing a rasping Russian captain on the Stalingrad level.  (Games Quotes) As much as I enjoy TV, I’ve always loved radio. And I love doing the NFL games, the Monday night games, on radio. Because you are the game. I really enjoyed calling basketball and hockey on the radio, but the presentation is more specific - you’re talking all the time.  (Games Quotes) You can’t win integrity and honor from games. You can only earn them from living a life dedicated to those ideals.  (Games Quotes) During long car rides to the set, after I study my script, I go onto my iPad to read books and play games.  (Games Quotes) I’m just a simple guy. I love being at my house with my family, I love playing dominos and card games and hunting and fishing. That’s just what I like to do.  (Games Quotes) For most people, an hour a day playing our favorite games will power up our ability to engage whole-heartedly with difficult challenges, strengthen our relationships with the people we care about most - while still letting us notice when it’s time to stop playing in virtual worlds and bring our gamer strengths back to real life.  (Games Quotes) One of the more bizarre games I played as a kid was something called ‘kill the man.’ It was a cross between football and rugby, which found the person carrying the ball a target of some hungry tacklers. I still don’t know why we enjoyed the game because it was impossible to win.  (Games Quotes) I didn’t grow up playing video games. I grew up catching crawdads in the creek and minnows and lizards and snakes.  (Games Quotes) Kids get caught up in technical and electronic things like games and videos when all we had were magazines.  (Games Quotes) The only mental games in ski racing is the mental game against yourself. Is the whole goal of life preserving your life as long as you can? No. The goal is to enjoy your life, challenge yourself, to sometimes make stupid decisions-which are sometimes fun and sometimes idiotic and sometimes just a big fat mistake you regret.  (Games Quotes) No matter how much you’ve won, no matter how many games, no matter how many championships, no matter how many Super Bowls, you’re not winning now, so you stink.  (Games Quotes) I was able to do Classics, the U.S. national championships and the Pan American Games and feel like I improved with each meet, but I was still struggling with a lot of residual pain from the two surgeries.  (Games Quotes) I loved going to the Knicks because we won the Atlantic Division championship. We went from winning 21 games or 19 games to winning 52 games in a short period of time. I loved coaching Patrick Ewing and Charles Oakley and all those guys.  (Games Quotes) It looks like our defense is quite a bit better than it has been in the last two years, ... If we can keep it up and stay at least in the middle of the league, that would be significant. We haven’t ordered any championship rings yet; two games doesn’t make a season. I love the Colorado air. I love the game, the competition, the show.  (Games Quotes) Courage is a moral quality; it is not a chance gift of nature like an aptitude for games. It is a cold choice between two alternatives.  (Games Quotes) When I saw the 2010 Games and speed skating, I had a change of heart. I had always dreamed of being an Olympian, and something clicked inside of me. I knew I had to move to Salt Lake City and make this dream a reality.  (Games Quotes) We don’t care what the framers would have thought of violent video games. Times are changing.  (Games Quotes) Sex Games: What Men Really Think About Sex Partners (Sexuality, Cheating  (Games Quotes) In Gujarat, we had the world record of largest number of chess games in a single venue - 20,500 - and in Tamil Nadu, I have been emphasizing on the positives of chess to the authorities.  (Games Quotes) I haven’t played a chess match for several decades. At one point I lost most of my chess games. Then I realized many of my competitors were memorizing the best moves and I was unwilling to do this.  (Games Quotes) Like most conversations and most chess games, we all start off the same and we all end the same, with a brief moment of difference in between. Fertilization to fertilizer. Ashes to ashes. And we spark across the gap.  (Games Quotes) I may play some exhibition games so I don’t want to quit the game of chess completely. I just decided and it’s a firm decision not to play competitive chess anymore.  (Games Quotes) In a serious relationship, I will definitely write music about a guy. I’m totally into mix tapes and I’m all about small little things. I’ll drop by their door and just leave a gift or come over if they’re sick and make them chicken noodle soup and rent a DVD and play board games. I think those little things mean a lot to someone.  (Games Quotes) Imagination and invention go hand in hand. Remember how lack of resources was never a problem in childhood games? Shift a few pieces of furniture around the living room, and you have yourself a fort.  (Games Quotes) I spent my childhood scrambling round badgers and foxes and playing fantastic country kid games like knocking on people’s doors and running away. God that was a good game.  (Games Quotes) I really love the Olympics: Daley Thompson’s back-flip, Derek Redmond’s father helping him finish the 400m after his hamstring snapped at the 1992 Games in Barcelona, Carl Lewis, Michael Johnson, Sir Steve Redgrave - childhood memories are flooded with these moments and idols.  (Games Quotes) My parents always swore that in my childhood they had to let me win at board games. If, by the lucky stroke of the plastic wheel, my father would accidentally beat me at Candy Land, I would fly into fits of bawling that I’m told would last for hours. If I couldn’t triumph, I didn’t want to play.  (Games Quotes) Knowledge of peace passes from country to country, like children’s games, which are so much alike, everywhere.  (Games Quotes)
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