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Games Quotes

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My earliest interest in game design came when I was in primary school, and my parents bought a Commodore 128 computer. I taught myself to write programs in BASIC, and then I made my own games.  (Games Quotes) To make an embarrassing admission, I like video games. That’s what got me into software engineering when I was a kid. I wanted to make money so I could buy a better computer to play better video games - nothing like saving the world.  (Games Quotes) I don’t know why a computer game can’t be an art form just as a puppet show or an opera is. I’m still interested in computer games as something I would like to work on someday.  (Games Quotes) Children don’t run around outside as much as they did. They sit in front of computer games.  (Games Quotes) ...as absurd and dishonest as claiming that the trouble with computer games is that they stop people watching television.  (Games Quotes) I’ll cheerfully confess to spending a lot of time playing completely disgusting computer games that have no redeeming social value.  (Games Quotes) I have an addictive personality. I was addicted to computer games... and then all that obsessive nature just piled into music.  (Games Quotes) I loved playing computer games. I used to be one of the top World of War-crafters in the world for a couple of years.  (Games Quotes) I’m probably the worst at games. I don’t really like computer games either. And when I lose, I won’t go again but just say I don’t want to play anymore.  (Games Quotes) Yes, I play computer games. I think you’ve got to embrace the latest technology. For someone to dismiss games as not important would be the same as saying the Internet is not important.  (Games Quotes) I don’t do guilt, but if I were to squint in that direction, it’s probably enjoying simple computer games like Zuma. But I regard such things as part of my hand-eye coordination workout.  (Games Quotes) I never sleep before 4 A.M. and usually play ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ computer games before bed. I like Sonic - he reminds me of Happy, my hamster that died. I used to stay up and watch Happy.  (Games Quotes) Although I am not averse to wasting a few hours playing computer games, I have never tried my hand at Doom . Judging by sales figures and testimonials, playing the game has to be an infinitely preferable experience to watching this pathetic excuse for a movie.  (Games Quotes) The basic idea of Games With a Purpose is that we are taking a problem that computers cannot yet solve, and we are getting people to solve it for us while they are playing a game.  (Games Quotes) The paradox is that, by children taking shortcuts through computer games, through fantasies, through movies that load on all the emotional stimulation of encountering life in a stylized way - all of this is the equivalent of mainlining of paleolithic emotions, emotions about combat, about personal success, about overcoming monsters, about making powerful friendships, about winning wars and entering new territory.  (Games Quotes) If you look at the whole world now it’s just computer games, graphic novels, film, TV spinoffs, spinoffs of spinoffs like Deadpool spinning off of Wolverine. So I think that any kind of smart producer looks at all of those bases. Once it comes down to the integrity of it audiences are very smart, they smell that they’re just kind of being played.  (Games Quotes) We’ve kind of grown up in a post-Star Wars era, and what Star Wars did to cinema, in terms of an explosion of that kind of blockbuster culture. It’s thrown up a generation of geeks. With the evolution of computer games and the Internet, that’s all impacted on us as a generation, and affected the creative element of that generation enormously. So whereas the different schools of filmmaking.  (Games Quotes) It may have once been true that computer games encouraged us to interact more with machines than with each other. But if you still think of gamers as loners, then you’re not playing games.  (Games Quotes) I grew up in the countryside . But there’s a danger of us romanticizing that. Because when I was a kid in 1982, that’s what my parents were saying to me about television and comics and computer games!  (Games Quotes) We didn’t have all the distractions that young people have today. We didn’t have these incredible computer games and social networks to engage with. I understand that. But once young readers do discover reading, when they discover a book which they fall in love with, it really unleashes something new in their imagination.  (Games Quotes) Stockholm is unique in that it’s built on islands and surrounded by water, so you get this enormous sense of freedom. It’s got everything you could possibly need - everything New York or London has but without all the people and traffic. It’s also become a very creative city, not only for music but also for fashion and computer games.  (Games Quotes) I think games are starting to branch out. It’s not just guys sitting at their computer stations. Games are so fun, that everybody gets into them a little bit.  (Games Quotes) Computers sort of came around through games and toys. And you know, the first computer most people had in the house may have been a computer to play ‘Pong,’ a little microprocessor embedded, and then other games that came after that.  (Games Quotes) I’ve never been much of a computer guy at least in terms of playing with computers. Actually until I was about 11 I didn’t use a computer for preparing for games at all. I was playing a bit online, was using the chess club mainly. Now, obviously, the computer is an important tool for me preparing for my games.  (Games Quotes) I’m worried about the future of computer operating systems, as they all seem to be sliding towards a more controlled experience, taking away much of what makes PC games so much fun.  (Games Quotes) I love video games. I’m also slightly in awe of them. I’m in awe of their power in terms of imagination, in terms of technology, in terms of concept. But I think, above all, I’m in awe at their power to motivate, to compel us, to transfix us, like really nothing else we’ve ever invented has quite done before.  (Games Quotes) We need new athletes all the time because we need new games every day - fudging just a little on the definition of the word ‘need.’ We like to have new games every day, and, if we are to have a constant and endless flow of games, we need a constant flow of athletes.  (Games Quotes) I have very fond memories of growing up in Greece, of my brothers and I causing chaos and climbing up trees, which is really cool. Back then, we didn’t have all the video games and all that stuff. We just had each other, and we played on the street.  (Games Quotes) Most financiers, corporate lawyers, lobbyists, and management consultants are competing with other financiers, lawyers, lobbyists, and management consultants in zero-sum games that take money out of one set of pockets and put it into another.  (Games Quotes) If one asserts that buying customers below what they charge them is a corporate strategy, this is in essence an arbitrage game, and arbitrage games rarely last.  (Games Quotes)
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