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My main point in this regard was to compete for my country and my people and to receive the support of the entire Cuban society, to carry my flag in whatever competition I was in, the Olympic Games, Pan-American Games.  (Games Quotes) Yeah and she’s my kinda crazy The little games she plays Lord they’ll never get old She’s too cute to get on my last nerve The way she throws her little fits Pokin’ out her lip and bitin’ mine when we kiss There ain’t a fight that she can’t win That’s my baby And she’s my kinda crazy  (Games Quotes) My first encounter with video games was pretty conventional. I was travelling with my parents - we used to take long cross country trips in the United States every summer - and we went into a restaurant where there happened to be a Pong machine, and I was... a lot of quarters went into that Pong machine, let’s just say.  (Games Quotes) Video games and YouTube.com are creatively booming, even though Web design, as demonstrated by the ugly clutter of most major news sites, is in the pits.  (Games Quotes) When you’re winning games, everyone thinks everything the manager says and does is fantastic. Then it goes the other way, and those earlier criticisms of players can backfire.  (Games Quotes) For some time, Scotland’s greatest exports to England have included whisky and Scottish MPs. Or, in the case of Charles Kennedy, both. All these links, politically, economically, culturally, are part of my Union. Would Glasgow’s brilliant Commonwealth Games or the Edinburgh Festival be any better for our being independent? I doubt it.  (Games Quotes) My dad started taking me to Winnipeg games when I was 3 or 4. As a kid, I loved Wayne Gretzky, and I remember the first game I got to see him play against the Jets. The Kings beat the Jets, and I was happy that they did. Gretzky left the game after the first period, and I was upset about that.  (Games Quotes) Life is a daring game. The more we dare to play more games, the higher the chance of winning.  (Games Quotes) Online games for data-mining have a short virtual shelf life. People get bored, especially if the game seems stagnant.  (Games Quotes) Our life before moving to Washington was filled with simple joys ... Saturdays at soccer games, Sundays at grandma’s house ... and a date night for Barack and me was either dinner or a movie, because as an exhausted mom, I couldn’t stay awake for both.  (Games Quotes) On radio, you’re in your own little world. Every time I’d be doing a possible no-hitter - I think I’ve done something like 25 no-hitters and a couple of perfect games - I would always put the date on the tape. Not for me, but for the player, so that 25 or 30 years later when he’s playing it for his kids or grandkids, you have that date.  (Games Quotes) If you’re dating the quarterback and then you go out with the hockey player, you just go to the hockey games. I don’t think I’ll still go to the football games.  (Games Quotes) MySpace is like a bar, Facebook is like the BBQ you have in your back yard with friends and family, play games, share pictures. Facebook is much better for sharing than MySpace. LinkedIn is the office, how you stay up to date, solve professional problems.  (Games Quotes) Any man who watches more than three consecutive football games on TV in one day can be declared legally dead.  (Games Quotes) Often times, political games prevent senators from even beginning to debate some of the most important issues.  (Games Quotes) Unfortunately, most gun control advocates are not really interested in rational debate, and their political games simply send Alice chasing white rabbits down holes.  (Games Quotes) Smaller cities, places like Sarajevo, for example, even amid all that destruction there’s still so much pride that the [Olympic] games were there and that they did it.  (Games Quotes) I used to go to Maple Leafs games all the time when Nic shot To Die For here in Toronto. This is a great city. I love it here.  (Games Quotes) Part of what I love about games is that, even if you’re best friends with somebody, it gives you these sort of moments where you get to interact on a completely different level. You all agree to these abstract rules, but there’s nobody holding a gun to your head.  (Games Quotes) We [US] can’t compete with low-wage countries in different parts of the world. We cannot compete with countries that play games with currencies or regulations. We can’t. We shouldn’t.  (Games Quotes) If you look at professional baseball in New York, you can get all 162 Yankee games on television anytime you want. But people still go to the ballpark because they are two different experiences. It’s the same with film.  (Games Quotes) Television is a very different thing from video games. It’s kind of hard for me to compare.  (Games Quotes) I listen to a lot of Tupac and Biggie Smalls. Old school songs. Rick Ross. I listen to a guy ASAP Rocky. I like different kinds of music. I always have. It motivates me before games... A Tupac playlist or a Meek Mill playlist. It varies.  (Games Quotes) If you want to appeal to people of different languages and cultures, you have to move toward tropes that are universally recognized. Games, references, subtleties that only work in your language are hardly useful.  (Games Quotes) People just don’t sit down and just watch TV at night. Between cellphones, television, video games, the Internet and instant messaging, people are just spending their time in different places.  (Games Quotes) What I and other YouTubers do is a very different thing; it’s almost like hanging around and watching your pal play games.  (Games Quotes) Technology is permeating every single thing we do... And to the extent that we can better expose our young people to all the different ways that technology can be used, not just for video games or toys, we’re planning for the future.  (Games Quotes) I think games are a good medium for approaching any subject, particularly difficult ones, because by their very nature, they are abstract, invite interaction and allow us to confront and question things... particularly rules that we may blindly follow.  (Games Quotes) People who wave digital cameras at shows are the same people who sit in front of you at hockey games and wear those giant foam-rubber fingers that say, We’re number one!’  (Games Quotes) Maybe we adults idealize our own red-rover days, the hot afternoons spent playing games that required no coaches, eating foods that involved no nutrition, getting dirty in whole new ways and rarely glancing in the direction of a screen of any kind.  (Games Quotes)
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