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Games Quotes

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There was this old soccer game called ‘Goal’ for the old Nintendo, and ever since then, I’ve played everything from the old school games to the 360.  (Games Quotes) Hockey is its own game. It’s completely different than all the other games, although it’s getting way too close to soccer.  (Games Quotes) I have three younger siblings, so the four of us were outside all the time after school playing games, making up games. My sister made up a game called ‘roof ball.’ We’d play that constantly. She always beat me in it, and it made me very mad. But we were outside all the time.  (Games Quotes) Kids love games and chess is a game where you have to sit down and concentrate and it just helps in every way.  (Games Quotes) I completely love playing and designing games and always will. I am so into games that I listen to game music all day. That may sound strange, but you can guarantee I’m a hardcore gamer and would never let you down by designing a crappy title.  (Games Quotes) As the CG in motion capture made it look realistic, it put more of an onus on the game makers to make the dialogue they’re saying more realistic. It doesn’t matter what they say when they’re 8-bits, but if they look almost photo-real, it matters. More and more, the games industry is realising that.  (Games Quotes) Throughout the history of game development, the game control mechanism has become more and more sophisticated, ... Perhaps those who have quit gaming or who have never played games look at the game controller and think it’s too difficult to play, even before they dare to touch it.  (Games Quotes) I wanna design a video game where you’d have to take care of all the people shot in all the other video games.  (Games Quotes) I’d advise all aspiring game designers not to aim for money when developing a game, because unfortunately it is very rare for game designers to be able to earn a living by developing analog games.  (Games Quotes) I’ve always been a proponent of the idea that technology doesn’t matter to game design. The example I always like to point out is ‘Tetris,’ one of the greatest games ever made.  (Games Quotes) Developing games for the PC and consoles is all about everything and the kitchen sink. In many ways, you don’t have design decisions to make. You do it all. So I enjoy going back to making decisions about what’s important as I’m working on a game.  (Games Quotes) Genuine self-acceptance is not derived from the power of positive thinking, mind games or pop psychology. IT IS AN ACT OF FAITH in the God of grace.  (Games Quotes) I play games on-set at work. Sometimes I can’t remember people’s names, so I start throwing out clues. Like if I can’t think of George Clooney, I’ll say, ‘You know, drop-dead gorgeous, was on a big TV show... ‘ Until someone says his name, I can’t finish my story!  (Games Quotes) Take any job, get started and stop with the video games and pot. I’m not for that.  (Games Quotes) I was anxious to get started, There was so much anticipation. I wanted to get in the routine of playing games. It was just nice to be on a team, not competing against these guys in camp [but] trying to work together to win.  (Games Quotes) In a way, if we want to make the postseason, we feel like we have to win out. We have got some good games coming up, but we are going to have to buckle down and get the job done somehow.  (Games Quotes) Inside the first 20 to 25 games of the season, we were losing these games, getting beat by two and three points. Over the last 10 games, it seems like we’re starting to win these games and putting some good things together.  (Games Quotes) Getting inside the mind of a terrorist wasn’t difficult at all. Even as children, human beings fabricate elaborate revenge fantasies. We’re not a particular species. Check out popular video games.  (Games Quotes) Winning games, titles and championships isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but getting there, the journey, is a lot more than it’s cracked up to be.  (Games Quotes) Ideally, writers and narrative designers should be included much earlier in the process, where they can be of most benefit. However, although the industry is slowly getting used to fitting narrative professionals into games development, we’re still going through a bit of a ‘square-peg in a round hole’ phase.  (Games Quotes) I use doodling for a variety of reasons: I use it to get clarity around a concept, I use it to relax, I use it to communicate ideas with others and get their refinement of them, I use it to map complex systems for companies, I use it to run innovation games for business, I use it to get insight on something puzzling me.  (Games Quotes) The Olympic dream was born in 2010 during the qualifications to Vancouver. And when I was watching those Olympics from the sidelines, I felt that I wanted to have my Games. I understood that it wouldn’t be easy to make them, especially now that in Russia there are a lot of strong girls.  (Games Quotes) I would say I’m pretty much the exact same as the stereotypical American kid. I mean I’m really lazy, I play a lot of video games, I like girls. I like, you know, the violence and action type thing.  (Games Quotes) Writing rules is not one of the more ‘glamorous’ aspects of working on games. It is a task that is, in general, more drudgery than glory.  (Games Quotes) I think it backfired. It wasn’t what I expected, it was difficult. I didn’t expect them to throw somany mind games into it. I didn’t expect to be so emotional, but I asked for it really. I’ma glutton for punishment.  (Games Quotes) It’s not about the games it’s about practice and when you practice, go hard!!  (Games Quotes) My dream was always to win in the Olympic Games, but I never set that next goal, and I have realised now I need to set another goal.  (Games Quotes) Goal scoring is a recurring theme. If you aren’t scoring then you aren’t going to win games. That’s obvious.  (Games Quotes) I’m seeing too many geeky, nerdy kids get addicted to video games and they’re going nowhere. It’s making me crazy.  (Games Quotes) I’m obviously not going to give you everything about my whole life, but as far as my personality, you see me all the time from watching the games.  (Games Quotes)
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