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Ganguly Quotes

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On the onside, first there is God, then Sourav Ganguly  (Ganguly Quotes) Whatever be the complex situations, the Indian team under Ganguly has moved to great heights. The fact of the matter is that Ganguly is determined to stay focused  (Ganguly Quotes) Ganguly is a very good leader. His return to the field brings a spring in the steps of the Indians. He is a great player  (Ganguly Quotes) Sourav Ganguly has been an excellent captain, his record speaks for himself. I found him to be a tough competitor and every Indian should feel proud of Sourav  (Ganguly Quotes) The Indian team does not need any best wishes - they are going to win anyway. I have been close to Sourav Ganguly, and I hope he does well in the World Cup  (Ganguly Quotes) I used to crack A joke when Sourav Ganguly is upset and make him happy, I usually speak in bengali which would make him laugh  (Ganguly Quotes) He’s very competitive and knows what he wants. He has developed toughness in character and that is what is needed for Indian cricket. Ganguly has proved to be one of the best captains. He has now acquired great leadership qualities  (Ganguly Quotes)