Gardens Quotes

Text Quotes
I don't like formal gardens. I like wild nature. It's just the wilderness instinct in me, I guess (Gardens Quotes)
What flowers are to gardens, spices to food, gems to a garment, and stars to heaven; such are proverbs interwoven in speech (Gardens Quotes)
We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough? (Gardens Quotes)
There is virtue in country houses, in gardens and orchards, in fields, streams, and groves, in rustic recreations and plain manners, that neither cities nor universities enjoy (Gardens Quotes)
Stately Spring! Whose robe - folds are valleys, whose breast - bouquet is gardens, and whose blush is a vernal evening (Gardens Quotes)
'Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners (Gardens Quotes)
Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners (Gardens Quotes)
I often find myself privately stewing about much British art, thinking that except for their tremendous gardens, that the English are not primarily visual artists, and are, in nearly unsurpassable ways, literary (Gardens Quotes)
Poetry: Not til poets among us can be 'literalists of imagination' - above insolence and triviality and can present for inspection, 'imaginary gardens with real toads in them,' shall we have it (Gardens Quotes)
The howling pariah dogs, the cocks that herald dawn all night, the drumming, the moaning that will be found later white plumage huddled on telegraph wires in back gardens or fowl roosting in apple trees, the eternal sorrow that never sleeps of great Mexico (Gardens Quotes)
You have to get over the color green; you have to quit associating beauty with gardens and lawns; you have to get used to an inhuman scale; you have to understand geological time (Gardens Quotes)
It is closing time in the gardens of the West and from now on an artist will be judged only by the resonance of his solitude or the quality of his despair (Gardens Quotes)
I loathe gardening, but I love gardens, and I have two beautiful gardens. I can not bear gardening, but I love gardens (Gardens Quotes)
My favorite thing is landscaping. I love landscaping. And so what I’ll do is, mostly I put language into search engines, and if I want to look, like, at tulip gardens, or, like, Georgian gardens, I love English gardens, how they’re laid out. Japanese gardens, Asian gardens. So, I’m kind of a frustrated landscaper (Gardens Quotes)
I think gardens are fantastic, and I’d love to draw and design and stuff like that. I love just planting flowers during the summer. There’s something very humble about it, and natural and beautiful (Gardens Quotes)
I came to these mediums through having the garden, and of course, people who have designed gardens have always worked in collaboration, and never made their own inscriptions (Gardens Quotes)
The plants are principally kept in large pots arranged in rows along the sides of narrow paved walks, with the houses of the gardeners at the entrance through which the visitors pass to the gardens (Gardens Quotes)
They say that gardens look better when they are created by loving gardeners rather than by landscapers, because the garden is more tended to and cared for. The same thing goes for cooking. I only cook for people I love (Gardens Quotes)
In the last camp they all ate grass, until the authorities forbade them to pull it up. They were accustomed to having the fruits of their little communal gardens stolen by the guards, after they had done all the work; but at the last camp everything was stolen (Gardens Quotes)
Memory is the best of all gardens. Therein, winter and summer, the seeds of their past lie dormant, ready to spring into instant bloom at any moment the mind wishes to bring them to life (Gardens Quotes)
He will grow up into one of those people who lean back to smile and jump so easily it looks like slow motion and steer cars with their knees and snitch roses from gardens to give to girls and write with their left hand and own two pairs of jeans and one jacket and fall in love from such a height and so hard and so completely that they never quite recover from the drop. But at least he will have me to look out for him (Gardens Quotes)
That’s exactly why nature always trumps gardens. Gardens are just reality pruned of chaos. What doesn’t work you rip out (Gardens Quotes)
... imaginary gardens with real toads in them... if you demand on one hand, the raw material of poetry in all its rawness and that which is on the other hand genuine, then you are interested in poetry (Gardens Quotes)
People’s souls are like gardens. You can’t turn your back on someone because his garden’s full of weeds. You have to give him water and lots of sunshine (Gardens Quotes)
To see things in black and white is to see the basics, and I would recommend to any designer of gardens that he go out and look at his work by the light of the moon (Gardens Quotes)
I seldom read on beaches or in gardens. You can’t read by two lights at once, the light of day and the light of the book. You should read by electric light, the room in shadow, and only the page lit up (Gardens Quotes)
They set great store by their gardens... Their studie and deligence herein commeth not only of pleasure, but also of a certain strife and contention... concerning the trimming, husbanding, and furnishing of their gardens; everye man or his owne parte (Gardens Quotes)
I do not envy the owners of very large gardens. The garden should fit its owner or his or her tastes, just as one’s clothes do; it should be neither too large nor too small, but just comfortable (Gardens Quotes)
We can begin by doing small things at the local level, like planting community gardens or looking out for our neighbors. That is how change takes place in living systems, not from above but from within, from many local actions occurring simultaneously (Gardens Quotes)
I never cease to be thrilled when entering my own gateway... and always feel that entrance gardens should give the first sensation of rest to those returning home (Gardens Quotes)