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Garry Quotes

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Garry Marshall is a joy. I feel so utterly safe in his hands  (Garry Quotes) In this respect I suppose I'm the total opposite of Garry. With his very emotive body language at the board he shows and displays all his emotions. I don't  (Garry Quotes) In essence, I owe my career to Garry Marshall. There was no known reason for him to hire me for 'Pretty Woman.'  (Garry Quotes) I was always the Class Clown and over time became very good at it. I started doing comedy on stage at the Dallas Comedy Corner where I honed my skills by watching guys like Garry Shandling, Robin Williams, Jay Lena and more.  (Garry Quotes) A lot of my friends were mostly working in black-and-white - people like Lee Friedlander, Diane Arbus, Garry Winogrand, and others. We would exchange prints with each other, and they were always very supportive of what I was doing.  (Garry Quotes) One of the things that first attracted me to chess is that it brings you into contact with intelligent, civilized people - men of the stature of Garry Kasparov, the former world champion, who was my part-time coach.  (Garry Quotes)