Gary Hamel Quotes

Text Quotes
Strategy is, above all else, the search for above average returns (Gary Hamel Quotes)
Discovery is the journey; insight is the destination (Gary Hamel Quotes)
An adaptable company is one that captures more than its fair share of new opportunities. It’s always redefining its ‘core business’ in ways that open up new avenues for growth (Gary Hamel Quotes)
In an increasingly non-linear economy, incremental change is not enough-you have to build a capacity for strategy innovation, one that increases your ability to recognize new opportunities (Gary Hamel Quotes)
Truth be told, there are lots of companies that provide exemplary phone support. DirecTV, Virgin America and Apple are a few that regularly exceed my expectations (Gary Hamel Quotes)
... all too often, a successful new business model becomes the business model for companies not creative enough to invent their own. [2002] p.46 (Gary Hamel Quotes)
What’s true for churches is true for other institutions: the older and more organized they get, the less adaptable they become. That’s why the most resilient things in our world - biological life, stock markets, the Internet - are loosely organized (Gary Hamel Quotes)
In most companies, the formal hierarchy is a matter of public record - it’s easy to discover who’s in charge of what. By contrast, natural leaders don’t appear on any organization chart (Gary Hamel Quotes)
I’m a capitalist by conviction and profession. I believe the best economic system is one that rewards entrepreneurship and risk-taking, maximizes customer choice, uses markets to allocate scarce resources and minimizes the regulatory burden on business (Gary Hamel Quotes)
Building human-centered organizations doesn’t imply a return to the paternalistic, corporate welfare practices of the 19th century. Most of us don’t want to be nannied (Gary Hamel Quotes)
As human beings, we are the only organisms that create for the sheer stupid pleasure of doing so. Whether it’s laying out a garden, composing a new tune on the piano, writing a bit of poetry, manipulating a digital photo, redecorating a room, or inventing a new chili recipe - we are happiest when we are creating (Gary Hamel Quotes)
As the great grandchildren of the industrial revolution, we have learned, at last, that the heedless pursuit of more is unsustainable and, ultimately, unfulfilling. Our planet, our security, our sense of equanimity and our very souls demand something better, something different. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
In an ideal world, an individual’s institutional power would be correlated perfectly with his or her value-add. In practice, this is seldom the case (Gary Hamel Quotes)
In a well-functioning democracy, citizens have the option of voting their political masters out of office. Not so in most companies (Gary Hamel Quotes)
The real damper on employee engagement is the soggy, cold blanket of centralized authority. In most companies, power cascades downwards from the CEO. Not only are employees disenfranchised from most policy decisions, they lack even the power to rebel against egocentric and tyrannical supervisors (Gary Hamel Quotes)
Most of us understand that innovation is enormously important. It’s the only insurance against irrelevance. It’s the only guarantee of long-term customer loyalty. It’s the only strategy for out-performing a dismal economy (Gary Hamel Quotes)
The biggest barriers to strategic renewal are almost always top management’s unexamined beliefs (Gary Hamel Quotes)
From Gandhi to Mandela, from the American patriot to the Polish shipbuilders, the makers of revolutions have not come from the top (Gary Hamel Quotes)
When a politician bends the truth or a CEO breaks a promise, trust takes a beating (Gary Hamel Quotes)
To escape the curse of commoditization, a company has to be a game-changer, and that requires employees who are proactive, inventive and zealous (Gary Hamel Quotes)
From Gandhi to Mandela, from the American patriot to the Polish shipbuilders, the makers of revolutions have not come from the top. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
In a democracy, you don’t need anyone’s permission to form a new political party, publish a politically charged article, or organize a ‘tea party.’ And in open markets, individuals are free to buy and invest as they see fit. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
For the first time in history we can work backward from our imagination rather than forward from our past. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
While one should never underestimate the ability of risk-besotted financiers to wreak havoc, the real threat to capitalism isn’t unfettered financial cunning. It is, instead, the unwillingness of executives to confront the changing expectations of their stakeholders. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
Today, no leader can afford to be indifferent to the challenge of engaging employees in the work of creating the future. Engagement may have been optional in the past, but it’s pretty much the whole game today. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
In most organizations, change comes in only two flavors: trivial and traumatic. Review the history of the average organization and you’ll discover long periods of incremental fiddling punctuated by occasional bouts of frantic, crisis-driven change. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
It doesn’t matter much where your company sits in its industry ecosystem, nor how vertically or horizontally integrated it is - what matters is its relative ‘share of customer value’ in the final product or solution, and its cost of producing that value. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
In most languages, ‘control’ is the first synonym for the word ‘manage.’ Control is about spotting and correcting deviations from pre-defined standards; thus to control, one must first constrain. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
To escape the curse of commoditization, a company has to be a game-changer, and that requires employees who are proactive, inventive and zealous. (Gary Hamel Quotes)
A well-conceived product excels at what it does. It’s close to being functionally flawless - like a Ziploc bag, a radio from Tivoli Audio, a Philips Sonicare toothbrush, a Nespresso coffee maker or Google’s home page. (Gary Hamel Quotes)