Gas Quotes

Text Quotes
The only system which is truly secure is one which is switched off and unplugged, locked in a titanium lined safe, buried in a concrete bunker, and is surrounded by nerve gas and very highly paid armed guards. Even then, I wouldn’t stake my life on it. (Gas Quotes)
Vladimir Putin is leading a dying country. Vladimir Putin’s regime exports three things: petroleum products - coal, natural gas, and hydrocarbon energy in the form of petroleum. Number two, it exports arms, and, number three, it exports people. (Gas Quotes)
The greatest asset, even in this country, is not oil and gas. It’s integrity. Everyone is searching for it, asking, ‘Who can I do business with that I can trust?’ (Gas Quotes)
The only other thing I can really remember wanting to do besides acting was a gas station attendant. At the time, that seemed like a great job - wash the windows, pump the gas - it looks so cool coming home with black hands. There’s a natural transition, from wanting to be a gas station attendant to being an actor, right? (Gas Quotes)
In a gas, motion has the upper hand; the atoms are moving so fast that they have no time to enter into any sort of combination with each other: occasionally, atom must meet atom and, so to speak, each hold out vain hands to the other, but the pace is too great and, in a moment, they are far away from each other again. (Gas Quotes)
In conventional oil and natural gas production, you always produce a lot of formation water, and it’s crummy water. It’s real salty. It’s got heavy metals in it. It’s got bad stuff in it. (Gas Quotes)
The fundamentals are the U.S. is going to end up being a net exporter of natural gas. That’s going to be wonderful to help our balance of payments, reduce our dependence on a lot of countries that aren’t so crazy about us, and change many, many parts of what goes on here. (Gas Quotes)
Our balance sheet provides us with the ability to act on investment opportunities in appropriate areas that diversify and broaden our portfolio, including the gas and energy sector. (Gas Quotes)
Just who has imposed on the suffering human race poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, the formula for zyklon b, heavy artillery, pseudo-scientific justifications for mass murder, cluster bombs, attack submarines, napalm, intercontinental missiles , military space platforms and nuclear weapons? If memory serves it was not the Vatican. (Gas Quotes)
When there are no gas chambers, no barbed wire, and no concentration camps, many don’t recognize the perpetration of new genocides and other targeted mass atrocity crimes because they may not look the same. (Gas Quotes)
Pay your utilities, gas and other basic needs before paying on your debts (Gas Quotes)
It’s Keun. He wants to be put on speaker. He’s being weird.Fancy that, said the Duke. Next you’ll tell me that the sun is a mass of incandescent gas. (Gas Quotes)
It’s very important that people realize: the air is being taken away, the oceans are being taken away, the room is being taken away, but we’re so worried about gas prices that we don’t even see this stuff. (Gas Quotes)
In Utah alone, ten million acres are open for business. Their policy is not about the public or the public’s best interest. It is about the oil and gas corporations’ best interests. (Gas Quotes)
Rather than proposing a forward-looking energy initiative, House Republicans continue to push Big Oil’s tired old ideas, ideas that will do absolutely nothing to lower gas prices for the American consumer. (Gas Quotes)
For too long, the system has been biased in favor of oil and gas developers: sweetheart lease deals, generous subsidies and a regulatory process so slanted in favor of Big Oil that often permit reviews are simply waived. (Gas Quotes)
Daddy pays for the water, daddy pays for the gas, daddy pays for the electricity, and if daddy didn’t pay for the electricity, he’d pay for the candle on your nightstand, so you can study for the big test tomorrow. (Gas Quotes)
Oprah is rich; Bill Gates is wealthy. If Bill Gates woke up tomorrow with Oprah’s money, he’d jump out of a ... window and slit his throat on the way down saying, ‘I can’t even put gas in my plane!’ (Gas Quotes)
What surprises me, what amazes me, is that it seems the military people were expecting to stumble on large quantities of gas, chemical weapons and biological weapons. (Gas Quotes)
Would you pour sand into the gas tank of your car? Of course not, your car was meant to run on good gasoline. Well, your body works the same way. Your body was meant to run on good food: fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and lots of water. Eat good food! (Gas Quotes)
As long as gas is cheaper than bottled water, we can’t be in a position of dictating to the consumer what to buy. (Gas Quotes)
I know quickly whether a guy is boyfriend material. If I can have a good time doing absolutely nothing with him, then that’s boyfriend material for me. Like if we’re able to have fun at a gas station. I’ve had some really good times at gas stations. (Gas Quotes)
If we choose to keep those tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires, if we choose to keep a tax break for corporate jet owners, if we choose to keep tax breaks for oil and gas companies that are making hundreds of billions of dollars, then that means we’ve got to cut some kids off from getting a college scholarship. (Gas Quotes)
I think what we all have to do is make this big leap towards renewables. And it has to be a solution where you’re actually building the answer; and it has to be built faster than the natural gas industry can build their answer. (Gas Quotes)
These people [Bush Administration] are for the most part rip-off artists. Notice that they’re all gas and oil men from Cheney, to the two Bushes; I think Rumsfeld also. (Gas Quotes)
At the end of drama school, I made a contract with myself: I’d try acting for five years. I was 26. I had already spent eight years working in restaurants and gas stations. So I had seen enough small businesses to understand that that’s what acting is: a small business. (Gas Quotes)
With Zipcar, consumers avoid the upfront cost of buying a car, not to mention gas, insurance, and repairs. Plus, they reduce the number of polluting vehicles on the road. Suddenly the planet-smart carless option is also the convenient money-saving option. (Gas Quotes)
When my car runs out of gas, I buy a new one. I don’t want to ride around in a quitter. (Gas Quotes)
Love is a delicate plant that needs constant tending and nurturing, and this cannot be done by snorting at the adored object like a gas explosion and calling her friends lice. (Gas Quotes)
When you hear the word tear gas you think, well, your eyes will burn and that’s it. But that whole feeling of your whole skin burning, that you can’t breathe, you can’t inhale, you feel suffocated - it’s a very, very terrifying experience. (Gas Quotes)