Gaston Bachelard Quotes

Text Quotes
To feel most beautifully alive means to be reading something beautiful (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
It is better to live in a state of impermanence than in one of finality (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
The metaphor is~ an origin, the origin of an image which acts directly, immediately (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
The spoken reverie of substances calls matter to birth, to life, to spirituality (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
If we did not have a feminine being within us, how would we rest ourselves? (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
The characteristic of scientific progress is our knowing that we did not know (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
So, like a forgotten fire, a childhood can always flare up again within us (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Written language must be considered as a particular psychic reality. The book is permanent; it is an object in your field of vision. It speaks to you with a monotonous authority which even its author would not have. You are fairly obliged to read what is written (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
The reverie would not last if it were not nourished by the images of the sweetness of living, by the illusions of happiness (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Any work of science, no matter what its point of departure, cannot become fully convincing until it crosses the boundary between the theoretical and the experimental: Experimentation must give way to argument, and argument must have recourse to experimentation (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
What action could bodies and substances have if they were not named in a further increase of dignity where common nouns become proper nouns? (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
We comfort ourselves by reliving memories of protection. Something closed must retain our memories, while leaving them their original value as images. Memories of the outside world will never have the same tonality as those of home and, by recalling these memories, we add to our store of dreams; we are never real historians, but always near poets, and our emotion is perhaps nothing but an expression of a poetry that was lost (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
I am alone so I dream of the being who has cured my solitude, who would be cured by solitudes. With its life, it brought me the idealizations of life, all the idealizations which give life a double, which lead life toward it summits, which make the dreamer too live by splitting (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
For in the end, the irreality function functions as well in the face of man as in the face of the cosmos. What would we know of others if we did not imagine things? (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
The past of the soul is so distant! The soul does not live on the edge of time. It finds its rest in the universe imagined by reverie (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
All the senses awaken and fall into harmony in poetic reverie. Poetic reverie listens to this polyphony of the senses, and the poetic consciousness must record it (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Actually, however, life begins less by reaching upward, than by turning upon itself. But what a marvelously insidious, subtle image of life a coiling vital principle would be! And how many dreams the leftward oriented shell, or one that did not conform to the rotation of its species, would inspire! (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Nothing is forgotten in the processes of idealization. Reveries of idealization develop, not by letting oneself be taken in by memories, but by constantly dreaming the values of a being whom one would love. And that is the way a great dreamer dreams his double. His magnified double sustains him (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
If there is any realm where distinction is especially difficult, it is the realm of childhood memories, the realm of beloved images harbored in memory since childhood. These memories which live by the image and in virtue of the image become, at certain times of our lives and particularly during the quiet age, the origin and matter of a complex reverie: the memory dreams, and reverie remembers (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Very often, I confess, the teller of dreams bores me. His dream could perhaps interest me if it were frankly worked on. But to hear a glorious tale of his insanity! I have not yet clarified, psychoanalytically, this boredom during the recital of other people’s dreams. Perhaps I have retained the stiffness of a rationalist. I do not follow the tale of justified incoherence docilely. I always suspect that part of the stupidities being recounted are invented (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Reverie is commonly classified among the phenomena of psychic detente. It is lived out in a relaxed time which has no linking force. Since it functions with inattention, it is often without memory. It is a flight from out of the real that does not always find a consistent unreal world (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
In our view any awareness is an increment to consciousness, an added light, a reinforcement of psychic coherence. Its swiftness or instantaneity can hide this growth from us. But there is a growth of being in every instance of awareness. Consciousness is in itself an act, the human act (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
The reverie we intend to study is poetic reverie. This is a reverie which poetry puts on the right track, the track an expanding consciousness follows. This reverie is written, or, at least, promises to be written. It is already facing the great universe of the blank page. Then images begin to compose and fall into place (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Whoever lives for poetry must read everything. How often has the light of a new idea sprung for me from a simple brochure! When one allows himself to be animated by new images, he discovers iridescence in the images of old books. Poetic ages unite in a living memory. The new age awakens the old. The old age comes to live again in the new. Poetry is never as unified as when it diversifies (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Perhaps it is even a good idea to stir up a rivalry between conceptual and imaginative activity. In any case, one will encounter nothing but disappointments if he intends to make them cooperate. The image can not provide matter for a concept. By giving stability to the image, the concept would stifle its life (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
In scientific thought, the concept functions all the better for being cut off from all background images. In its full exercise, the scientific concept is free from all the delays of its genetic evolution, an evolution which is consequently explained by simple psychology. The virility of knowledge increases with each conquest of the constructive abstraction (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
Of course, a psychologist would find it more direct to study the inspired poet. He would make concrete studies of inspiration in individual geniuses. But for all that, would he experience the phenomena of inspiration? His human documentation gathered from inspired poets could hardly be related, except from the exterior, in an ideal of objective observations. Comparison of inspired poets would soon make us lose sight of inspiration (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
To disappear into deep water or to disappear toward a far horizon, to become part of depth of infinity, such is the destiny of man that finds its image in the destiny of water (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
The mollusk’s motto would be: one must live to build one’s house, and not build one’s house to live in (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)
One must always maintain one’s connection to the past and yet ceaselessly pull away from it (Gaston Bachelard Quotes)