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Gat Quotes

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On a park bench on 12th street, my whole crew’s famous, you try bust your gat and keep it rel but you nameless  (Gat Quotes) Every night I talk to God, but he don’t say nothing back. I know he protecting me, but I still stay with my gat  (Gat Quotes) Every night I talk to God, but he don’t say nothing back. I know he protecting me, but I still stay with my gat.  (Gat Quotes) Mark you for death, won’t even talk that East or West crap. From Watts to Lefrak, it ain’t where ya from, it’s where’s your gat.  (Gat Quotes) Our kiss was electric and soft,and tentative and certain,terrifying and exactly right.I felt the love rush from me to Gat and from Gat to me.We were warm and shivering,and young and ancient,and alive.I was thinking, It’s true. We already love each other.We already do.  (Gat Quotes)