Gates Quotes

Text Quotes
America is the land of the second chance - and when the gates of the prison open, the path ahead should lead to a better life. (Gates Quotes)
Atari showed that young people could start big companies. Without that example it would have been harder for Jobs and Bill Gates, and people who came after them, to do what they did. (Gates Quotes)
I want to have a family and I’d like to live in a lovely big house, with a massive driveway and gates and loads of kids. (Gates Quotes)
Back in 1995, Bill Gates himself didn’t understand that the internet was the direction computing was going. (Gates Quotes)
Bill Gates is the pope of the personal computer industry. He decides who’s going to build. (Gates Quotes)
Bill Gates finds people in Russia to hire them to Microsoft. That’s the Russian interest in this process. (Gates Quotes)
If Dr. King marched today, would Bill Gates march? I know Obama would, but would Hillary take part? (Gates Quotes)
Let’s just hope that all the world is run by Bill Gates before the Perl hackers can destroy it (Gates Quotes)
I discovered what I call the Bill Gates effect. That is, the more successful you are, the uglier you get. (Gates Quotes)
I watched as an extremely nerdy exhibitor - I’m talking about a guy who makes Bill Gates look like Brad Pitt ... (Gates Quotes)
I don’t like accidental success. It’s what Bill Gates calls ‘random,’ a term he uses with the opposite of respect. (Gates Quotes)
Bill Gates is a very rich man today... and do you want to know why? The answer is one word: versions. (Gates Quotes)
...why do people venerate Einstein or Bill Gates? Clive Bell explains: Genius worship is the inevitable sign of an uncreative age.... (Gates Quotes)
Bill Gates is just a monocle and a Persian Cat away from being one of the bad guys in a James Bond movie. (Gates Quotes)
I think people like Bill Gates, who have given away enormous sums of money, are shining examples for all of us to follow. (Gates Quotes)
No matter how much Bill Gates may claim otherwise, he missed the Internet, like a barreling freight train that he didn’t hear or see coming. (Gates Quotes)
Generous people can become more generous as they become richer, giving away vast fortunes to worthwhile causes as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are doing. (Gates Quotes)
Yes, we worship the idea of the self-made man - otherwise we’d go on strike against Bill Gates having all that money! We worship that idea. (Gates Quotes)
Comparing what the Democrats offer to what the Republicans offer is like comparing the money I have in my pocket to what Bill Gates has in his. (Gates Quotes)
I had one typewriter for 50 years, but I have bought seven computers in six years. I suppose that’s why Bill Gates is rich, and Underwood is out of business. (Gates Quotes)
Why not Bill Gates for president? There are so many businesses’ that empower charities. How many men give away all their money to charities? Why not them for President? (Gates Quotes)
Bill Gates wants people to think he’s Edison, when he’s really Rockefeller. Referring to Gates as the smartest man in America isn’t right... wealth isn’t the same thing as intelligence. (Gates Quotes)
I tell my children that a man like Bill Gates has a personal fortune of $100 billion. They can’t even comprehend that. Then I explain that he has more money than some countries. (Gates Quotes)
For instance, in 1999, Bill Gates not only published a new book on work at the speed of thought but also detailed how Microsoft’s ‘Falconview’ software would enable the destruction of bridges in Kosovo. (Gates Quotes)
There’s a lot of money being generated by nerds right now. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the list goes on and on. Nerds make more money than our government. And with money comes power. (Gates Quotes)
Kids in college often look for mentors and role models to model their careers after, and women don’t have the equivalent of a Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. I think it’s a self-perpetuating loop. (Gates Quotes)
They said these North Korean missiles had enough range to hit Seattle, but residents in Seattle were not worried. Today Bill Gates said Microsoft has enough missiles to destroy North Korea ten times over. (Gates Quotes)
I bought Windows 2.0, Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1415926, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows RSVP, The Best of Windows, Windows Strikes Back, Windows Does Dallas, and Windows Let’s All Buy Bill Gates a House the Size of Vermont. (Gates Quotes)
Our people, our shareholders, me, Bill Gates, we expect to change the world in every way, to succeed wildly at everything we touch, to have the broadest impact of any company in the world. (Gates Quotes)
Bill Gates, who is the classic computer nerd, as opposed to Steve who is, like the coolest guy in the world. And who is really doing things to make the world a better place? (Gates Quotes)