Gen Quotes

Text Quotes
I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed! Gen (Gen Quotes)
Gen. Schurz thinks I was a little cross in my late note to you. If I was, I ask pardon. If I do get up a little temper I have no sufficient time to keep it up (Gen Quotes)
The Gen. Commanding, takes this means of informing the people that he has not come among them to disturb them in the enjoyment of their rights, either of person or property (Gen Quotes)
Marines are very good at fighting... And if Gen. Franks wants fighters on the ground and he puts Marines in, he’ll have what he wants (Gen Quotes)
I thought Gen. McChrystal was unfireable, that his position was secure (Gen Quotes)
We have all heard of the animal standing in doubt between two stacks of hay and starving to death, the like of which would never happen to Gen. Cass. Place stacks a thousand miles apart: he would stand stock still, midway between them, and eat them both at once; and the green grass along the line would be apt to suffer some, too, at the same time. (Gen Quotes)
The whole point of Gen X was, and continues to be, a negation of being forced into Baby Boomerdom against one’s will. (Gen Quotes)
Gen Y consume most of their media online and mobile. Gen Y, as the Baby Boomers drop off, are the largest cohort with the largest amount of money - despite the fact that half of them are unemployed. (Gen Quotes)
I don’t see kids with Palm Pilots. They are not common on college campuses, except among professors. Gen Xers don’t need them. They are a phenomenon of the 50-something who can’t remember if his broker’s number ends in 1137 or 3317. (Gen Quotes)
Apple has struck a cultural nerve, especially with Generation X and Gen Y, while Windows and PC are viewed in essence as ‘My parents’ computer’. (Gen Quotes)