Gender Quotes

Text Quotes
The 1950s felt so safe and smug, the 60s so raw and raucous, the revolutions stacked one on top of another, in race relations, gender roles, generational conflict, the clash of church and state - so many values and vanities tossed on the bonfire, and no one had a concordance to explain why it was all happening at once. (Gender Quotes)
Sporting events like the Olympics have developed and maintained a clear message of promoting gender equality as an essential criterion in the success of any international event. (Gender Quotes)
If so, I couldn’t imagine how the opposite gender managed to get out of bed in the morning. They might be lovely to look at, but clear thinking wasn’t their strong point. (Gender Quotes)
Religion and love don’t have a price, don’t have a gender, a skin color, nothing. We are all on the same plate. (Gender Quotes)
There are several places in Vietnam where they’re teaching computer science from second grade in class, so they don’t have a gender divide because everybody is expected to program. (Gender Quotes)
God is the biggest storyteller, and when we create stories, we connect with him and with each other across cultural, religious and gender boundaries. (Gender Quotes)
Maybe our gender is one thing and our sexuality is another. And that’s a cool thing I think. (Gender Quotes)
I don’t want to overstate the gender difference. But women are more sensitized to the way that larger issues affect their pocketbooks, like pay equality or cost of living changes. (Gender Quotes)
What a country needs to do is be fair to all its citizens - whether people are of a different ethnicity or gender. (Gender Quotes)
Cross-dressing is more of a set of actions or behaviors and not synonymous with gender identity (straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, among others). (Gender Quotes)
Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. (Gender Quotes)
Depression as one example is an illness that has a chemical basis, but also is deeply embedded in cultural norms about gender, social class, race. (Gender Quotes)
It’s my view that gender is culturally formed, but it’s also a domain of agency or freedom and that it is most important to resist the violence that is imposed by ideal gender norms, especially against those who are gender different, who are nonconforming in their gender presentation. (Gender Quotes)
I think feminism’s a bit misinterpreted. It was about casting off all gender roles. There’s nothing wrong with a man holding a door open for a girl. But we sort of threw away all the rules, so everybody’s confused. And dating becomes a sloppy, uncomfortable, unpleasant thing. (Gender Quotes)
I used to oppose women’s suffrage and I’ve come to support it because these women have convinced me that we need full gender equality for full democratic participation. (Gender Quotes)
The examples of female success stories are important on the global scale, as they help to disseminate the idea of gender equality and to spread the roots for the actual implementation of equal rights for women and men and democratic values among different cultures, societies and traditions. (Gender Quotes)
The connection between women’s human rights, gender equality, socioeconomic development and peace is increasingly apparent. (Gender Quotes)
The minute that you make the discussion in the room more well-rounded, multicultural, and of course having differences in gender, you’re going to have a different approach. (Gender Quotes)
When I go to a great movie, I can live somebody else’s life a little bit for a while. I can walk in somebody else’s shoes. I can see what it feels like to be a member of a different gender, a different race, a different economic class, to live in a different time, to have a different belief. (Gender Quotes)
There are different chemistries you can have in different bands, and part of that’s caused by the gender. (Gender Quotes)
I don’t feel like my films are about gender; they are about identity - but a different slant on identity. (Gender Quotes)
I am not sure gender ever won’t be an issue in comedy, because I think that women do have different priorities in some respects. (Gender Quotes)
I don’t think it’s at all weakening of the system if people with the same last name put themselves forward to the electorate, when their experiences, their character, and in my case, gender, may be different. (Gender Quotes)
There are still traces of discrimination against race and gender, but it’s a lot different than when I started out. It just comes quietly, slowly, sometimes so quietly that you don’t realize it until you start looking back. (Gender Quotes)
There are many things that matter much more than an editor’s gender in shaping the direction of the leadership. (Gender Quotes)
The issue of gender was never my biggest concern; my biggest concern was doing good work. When the feminist movement really got going, I wasn’t an active part of it because I was more concerned with my own mental pursuits. (Gender Quotes)
The transgender movement even divides itself up by gender, as many folks stick with their same trans-genders (female-to-male or male-to-female). Additionally, the movement gets strangely subdivided among, for example, male cross-dressers, sissy boys, butch women, femme dykes, drag kings, drag queens, transvestites, intersexed, transsexuals (post-op, pre-op, and non-op). (Gender Quotes)
So much of the destruction on Earth has been wrought by men. Women are the ones who give life and try to pick up the pieces... What a great gender they are. (Gender Quotes)
Nothing changes the gender equation more significantly than women’s economic freedom (Gender Quotes)
The benefits of feminism have been unequally distributed, because the move toward gender equality and gender neutrality has been countered to a large extent by the increase in economic inequality. (Gender Quotes)