Gene Wolfe Quotes
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Text Quotes
Science has so accustomed us to devising and accepting theories to account for the facts we observe, however fantastic, that our minds must begin their manufacture before we are aware of it (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
A hundred wise men have said in various ways that love transcends the power of death, and millions of fools have supposed that they meant nothing by it. At this late hour in my life I have learned what they meant. They meant that love transcends death. They are correct (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
All time exists. That is the truth... If the future did not exist now, how could we journey toward it? If the past does not exist still, how could we leave it behind? (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
There’s a certain kind of lonely man who rejects love, because he believes that anyone who offers it wouldn’t be a lover worth having (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
It may be that the only reason childhood memories act on us so strongly is that, being the most remote we possess, they are the worst remembered and so offer the least resistance to that process by which we mold them nearer and nearer to an ideal which is fundamentally artistic, or at least nonfactual (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
Weak people believe what is forced on them. Strong people what they wish to believe, forcing that to be real (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
We believe that we invent symbols. The truth is that they invent us; we are their creatures, shaped by their hard, defining edges (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
We think that we know a man or a woman, when so much of what we know is actually that man’s or that woman’s situation, his or her place on the board of life. Move the pawn to the last row and see her rise in armor, sword in hand (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
Then I could not help wondering what the watching gods thought of us, with our clever masks and our jokes. What we think of crickets, perhaps, whose singing we hear with pleasure, though some of us smash them with our heels when they venture into sight (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
That was when I found out that the best way in the world to make yourself feel better when you have hit bottom is to try to get somebody else to feel better. There are certain things in life that are truly worth knowing, and that is one of the big ones (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
Imagine a man who stands before a mirror; a stone strikes it, and it falls to ruin all in an instant. And the man learns that he is himself, and not the mirrored man he had believed himself to be (Gene Wolfe Quotes)
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