General Quotes

Text Quotes
When states like Alabama and Arizona passed some of the harshest immigration laws in history, my Attorney General took them on in court and we won. (General Quotes)
Senator Jeff Sessions is reportedly on the [Donald] Trump shortlist to be either the next Secretary of Defense or the next Attorney General of the United States. (General Quotes)
We are engaged in immediate conversations with the White House on deliberations over a successor whom we hope will continue in the general direction of Attorney General Holder. (General Quotes)
Even the former Attorney General of the United States Eric Holder has come out to say that he believed that [Edward] Snowden performed a public service, and I couldn’t agree more. (General Quotes)
I can guarantee that not because I give Attorney General [Loretta] Lynch a directive. That is institutionally how we have always operated. I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations [On Hillary Clinton]. (General Quotes)
I was raised - professionally - in the Public Integrity Section. I started in 1976, stayed there for 12 years. It was formed after Watergate by then-head of the Criminal Division Dick Thornburgh, who ultimately became Attorney General. (General Quotes)
I guess the next Attorney General is going to have to figure that out. I don’t know if that will be me or not, but the next Attorney General would have to figure that out [ if Hillary Clinton has violated the law]. (General Quotes)
I fully support Attorney General Cuccinelli and his efforts in challenging the constitutionality of the individual mandate provision in the health care legislation, and I look forward to working to repeal and defund the government takeover of health care in the 112th Congress. (General Quotes)
I explained to the president that I’ve been pleased with my conversations with the Attorney General and Civil Rights Division regarding their helpful understanding that they aren’t taking over this investigation, but are conducting a parallel review of the events that led to Michael Brown’s death. (General Quotes)
I finally gave up my little law practice and stayed home for about three years. You have to do what you can to keep the family going. But I wanted to get back to work. So I got another babysitter and went to work as an Assistant Attorney General. (General Quotes)
The resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder is met with both pride and disappointment by the Civil Rights community. We are proud that he has been the best Attorney General on Civil Rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most. (General Quotes)
Let’s look at this rationally...We’ve got a doctor who may kill him, an Attorney General who wants to declare him bananas, and a Defense Secretary who wants me to start World War III...First, we ruled out starting World War III. We were down to killing the President or having him carted off by the men in white coats... (General Quotes)
Any attorney general who is not an activist is not doing his or her job (General Quotes)
On March 12, 2004, acting attorney general James B. Comey and the Justice Department’s top leadership reached the brink of resignation over electronic surveillance orders that they believed to be illegal. (General Quotes)
As attorney general, I can either look into it or I can ignore it because they’re a bunch of powerful legislators... and I’m afraid they’re going to cut my budget. (General Quotes)
As attorney general, I’ve had some connection with just about every important public issue in the last eight years in Kentucky. All of the important public issues of the day have, at some point. (General Quotes)
I’m attorney general of the United States. I will not stand for - I will not allow people to take away that which people gave their lives to give, and that is the ability for the American people to vote. (General Quotes)
I’d like to continue being involved with issues that animated my time as attorney general - criminal-justice reform and civil rights especially. I don’t just want to give speeches; I’d like to involve myself in this work in a systematic way. (General Quotes)
Kids who I grew up with, who I played ball with, basketball, baseball, and went to parties with - for whatever reason - they ended up in a fundamentally different place than I did. I’m the attorney general of the United States and they are ex-felons. (General Quotes)
I’m not against the government. I’m against this ever-expanding government that doesn’t know its limits. And that’s how I see the role of the attorney general, as someone in an office that can protect you and defend the Constitution and defend state sovereignty and our individual liberty. (General Quotes)
On a personal level, I’ve seen a lot in my time as attorney general, but few things have affected me as greatly as my visit to Ferguson. I had the chance to meet with the family of Michael Brown. I spoke to them not just as attorney general but as a father of a teenage son myself. (General Quotes)
I don’t want somebody as attorney general who thinks he has to rubberstamp whatever the president says. (General Quotes)
My attorney general will restore the integrity of the Department of Justice, which has been severely questioned. (General Quotes)
I will appoint an attorney general who will reform the Department of Justice like it was necessary after Watergate. (General Quotes)
If I am going to pick and choose the laws I defend, I wouldn’t be doing my duty as attorney general. (General Quotes)
You know, as attorney general, there’s no issue more important than making sure you are safe, that your families are safe. (General Quotes)
Running for attorney general troubled me. Because I was worried I would simply become just a figurehead and that’s not me. (General Quotes)
The economy is governed through cartel agreements and monopoly. The attorney general is the one who’s controlling funds. There is no free business in Georgia. (General Quotes)
I will only vote to confirm a nominee for attorney general who is truly independent and who will guarantee reforms that restore and uphold the Constitution. (General Quotes)
I don’t want to call it audacity, it’s too good a term, to appoint Jefferson Beauregard Sessions as attorney general should damn well be respectful of John Lewis. (General Quotes)