General Quotes

Text Quotes
Sydney in general is eclectic. You can be on that brilliant blue ocean walk in the morning and then within 20 minutes you can be in a completely vast suburban sprawl or an Italian or Asian suburb, and it’s that mix of people, it’s that melting pot of people that give it its vital personality. (General Quotes)
The general sentiment among the Yeas is, no accolade is too high for their man; and the Nobel being, literally, the gold standard among prizes, it is surely his [Bob Dylan] due. (General Quotes)
Everyone confesses that exertion which brings out all the powers of body and mind is the best thing for us; but most people do all they can to get rid of it, and as a general rule nobody does much more than circumstances drive them to do. (General Quotes)
It is that of increasing knowledge of empirical fact, intimately combined with changing interpretations of this body of fact - hence changing general statements about it - and, not least, a changing a structure of the theoretical system. (General Quotes)
Eating disorders, body dysmorphia and a general dissatisfaction with one’s life and body seems to ail too many young people. (General Quotes)
Do not get yourself into the illusion that there is something so unique about the question of organ or body parts ... that the general rules of economics do not apply. (General Quotes)
In novels in general - and also on the television - we do live in a world where bodies is what we are. We do not talk about the spirit or the soul, and there is a sense that we no longer talk about beliefs, either Freudian or Marxist. (General Quotes)
I struggle with reading a bit. I’m slightly dyslexic, so reading takes me quite a while, and in general, I’m not a big book reader at all. And something like ‘Game of Thrones’ seems very daunting to me! (General Quotes)
In general, I think, less is more, and that if a reader stops reading because a book is too icky then I’ve failed in my obligation to the readers. (General Quotes)
I think I learned a lot from reading in general - even from reading badly written books (General Quotes)
In general, I write for ages 12 and up - although I’ve received emails from readers between the ages of seven and seventy. My books are science fiction. (General Quotes)
There are many thousands of books on particular assassinations and on the subject in general, but nearly all of them deal with the victims, not the perpetrators. (General Quotes)
Readers in general are not fond of dialect, and I don’t blame them. I’ve read books myself that I’ve had to put down because sounding out every speech gave me a headache. (General Quotes)
There are a couple of carp fishing books I’ve been reading. I’m very interested in that line of books, because I think they write very well, carp anglers, about the general environment. (General Quotes)
I think I would have written more books if I’d had fewer kids or had them earlier, but I think the books in general would have had a little less spark to them. (General Quotes)
Oh, I wish I organized my books. But I don’t. I’m not an organized person. The best I can do is put the books I really like in one sort of general area, and poetry in another. (General Quotes)
I actually don’t read comic books. I did when I was a kid - I used to read a lot of ‘X-Men’ comic books. I read a couple ‘Scott Pilgrim’ this past year, and those are really good, but I don’t read in general, unfortunately. (General Quotes)
In books or films, it is desirable to have a climactic battle scene, but the world does not operate in those gross dramatic terms. In Vietnam, there was a general aimlessness, not just in the physical sense, but beyond that in the moral and ethical sense. (General Quotes)
Mark Hopkins was one of the truest and best men that ever lived. He had a keen analytical mind; was thoroughly accurate, and took general supervision of the books, contracts, etc. He was strictly the office man, and never bought or sold anything. I always felt when I was in the East that our business in his hands was entirely safe. (General Quotes)
Only talent interests me in paintings and books. Not general ideas, but the individual contribution. (General Quotes)
I’m very successful, but there are 50,000 general interest books published every year. If you don’t want to read mine, there are others. (General Quotes)
The Supreme Court and courts in general have been usurping the role of the legislative branch of government. (General Quotes)
Ultimately, I’m in the fitness industry. But, I’ve branched out from there quite a bit. I began doing consulting on writing and getting published in magazines in about 2011. Right around that time, I started doing some angel investing and looking to grow my skills and general experience outside of that. (General Quotes)
Ice shelves in general have episodic carvings and there can be large icebergs breaking off - I’m talking 100km or 200km long - every 10 or 20 or 50 years. (General Quotes)
Homelessness is the fundamental idea of salvation in Jainism. It means the breaking off of all earthly relations, and therefore, above all, indifference to general impressions and avoidance of all worldly motives, the ceasing to act, to hope, to desire. (General Quotes)
Remakes, in general, are a result of necessity being the mother of invention. They can’t open movies consistently and break through the advertising clutter that’s out there. (General Quotes)
Yet, in spite of this world-wide system of linkages, there is, at this very moment, a general feeling that communication is breaking down everywhere, on an unparalleled scale. (General Quotes)
Doing a story about my mundane, waking life, how much I don’t like my job, or breaking up with someone, I don’t think so. Those stories don’t interest me that much as a general thing. (General Quotes)
It doesn’t matter whether you are pursuing success in business, sports, the arts, or life in general: The bridge between wishing and accomplishing is discipline. (General Quotes)
Denmark as a country has always looked up to England. I’ve always felt that British actors are fantastic. There’s a strong theatre tradition in your country, and that is reflected in TV and film as well. We’ve always thought that for crime series, you were the masters, and the general feeling the Danes have of British drama is that it’s excellent. (General Quotes)