General Quotes

Text Quotes
I have a very classic take on fashion. I like my accessories to pop, but in general, my style is pretty classic. (General Quotes)
Fashion is silly. Perhaps I should say fashion in general is silly. But then everything is, in general. If you talk about music in general, it’s silly; about magazines, in general, they’re silly. (General Quotes)
Pressed by the Obama administration and consumers, Kraft, Nestle, Pepsi, Campbell and General Mills, among others, have begun to trim the loads of salt, sugar and fat in many products. (General Quotes)
Actors in general are pretty good bullshit artists; we’re good at just chewing the fat, interacting with people. So we’re good ambassadors for movies. (General Quotes)
We live, in North America in general, if I’m given the indulgence of selling us down the river, in a culture of fear of this connective sense of spirit. (General Quotes)
I think that my vampires in general were influenced by my being allowed to watch the Hammer vampire films. Vampire Circus, also shown as Circus of Fear, was one of those movies. (General Quotes)
I think the general anxiety of the 1960s - 70s spawned our interest in the living dead. When people worry about the end of their world, they need a safe vessel for all their fears. Zombies provide that vessel because they’re ‘safe.’ (General Quotes)
Humor and laughter - not necessarily derogatory derision - are my pet tools. This may come from my general philosophy of never taking the world too seriously - for fear of dying of boredom. (General Quotes)
But ambitious encroachments of the federal government, on the authority of the State governments, would not excite the opposition of a single State, or of a few States only. They would be signals of general alarm . . . But what degree of madness could ever drive the federal government to such an extremity. (General Quotes)
The United States in particular and the West in general should be feeling a little embarrassed about all that lecturing we did to the Third World. (General Quotes)
I’m still very grateful to digital cameras in general, but I didn’t have this feeling with the RED one. (General Quotes)
There is such a thing as ‘thanks-feeling’ - feeling thankful. This ought to be the general, universal spirit of the Christian. (General Quotes)
I think there are more female characters in videogames now but I also think that’s because videogames in general are more diverse now. (General Quotes)
My father had declared a predilection for heirs general, that is, males and females indiscriminately.... I, on the other hand, had a zealous partiality for heirs male, however remote. (General Quotes)
I’m sure it’s more difficult for women to make movies, especially because, in general, the kind of movies women want to make aren’t necessarily going to be blockbusters. But you know, there are so few women in so many positions of power. (General Quotes)
If, as is the custom, I speak mainly about my own researches, I must say that I was fortunate in finding that not everything had yet been gleaned in the field of general thermodynamic radiation theory. (General Quotes)
Whiskey grunted. By his count, he and Patrick had six days to go before he hauled the kid out by his ear on field work and let Fly Bait plan the destruction of all testosterone-based land mammals on general principal. (General Quotes)
The frustrating part of it is that you’re generally known for what you did last. I’ve had the privilege of doing some very cool independent films that, a lot of the time, the general public doesn’t see unless you’re at a film festival or you’re into that kind of movie. (General Quotes)
Now having said that, I realize that releasing a film in the real world is like trying to get General Motors to release a handmade car. (General Quotes)
The strength of the scientific establishment in any country is related to its general level of education, not only in supplying large numbers of eager minds for further training, but also in ensuring a public opinion that holds science in esteem and approves financial support. (General Quotes)
General Electric, NBC’s parent, is one of the largest corporations in the world, with an anti-labor history of outsourcing jobs and with financial links to military and nuclear power industries. (General Quotes)
I do believe women have different ways of taking risks, of ruminating a bit more before they jump to conclusions. And I think that as a result, particularly on the, on, you know, on the trading floor, in the financial markets in general, the approach would be different. (General Quotes)
I feel like finding the balance is the struggle with making music in general (General Quotes)
Just movies in general. It’s such a wonderful business as much as you feel, you are fine tuning your craft, every movie is a completely different challenge. Every fight sequence is different. Every action set piece. I enjoy that. (General Quotes)
In general, organizations are afraid to fire customers, no matter how unreasonable. This is a mistake. It’s good for you. (General Quotes)
Indeed, the very first resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations - adopted unanimously - called for the elimination of nuclear weapons. (General Quotes)
Specifically, in Canada, the First Nations are often overlooked in pop culture or in general, and when things are reported about our First Nations, it’s often negative things - about the hardships they face and what-not. (General Quotes)
Remember, the first presidential candidate to reject public financing for both the primary and general election was... Barack Obama, in 2008. He did it, in spite of a flat pledge to the contrary, because his campaign saw that it could vastly outspend John McCain. (General Quotes)
Arthur Scargill is the Labour movements nearest equivalent to a First World War General (General Quotes)
Musically, some of the acts that I’ve really been identifying with are: Fleetwood Mac, Roxy Music, Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, Earth, Wind and Fire, in general music that seems to have a lot of romance to it and a certain glamorous idealism. (General Quotes)