Generally Quotes
Text Quotes
To the best of my recollection, I became a philosopher because my parents wanted me to become a lawyer. It seems to me, in retrospect, that there was much to be said for their suggestion. On the other hand, many philosophers are quite good company; the arguments they use are generally better than the ones that lawyers use; and we do get to go to as many faculty meetings as we like at no extra charge (Generally Quotes)
After all that corrupt poets, and more corrupt philosophers, have told us of the blandishments of pleasure, and of its tendency to soften the temper and humanize the affections, it is certain, that nothing hardens the heart like excessive and unbounded luxury; and he who refuses the fewest gratifications to his own voluptuousness, will generally be found the least susceptible of tenderness for the wants of others (Generally Quotes)
You see if you tell yourself the same tale over and over again enough times then the tellings become separate stories and you will generally fool yourself into forgetting you started with one solitary season out of your life (Generally Quotes)
Permaculture creates a cultivated ecology, which is designed to produce more human and animal food than is generally found in nature (Generally Quotes)
Depressive lucidity, usually described as a radical withdrawal from ordinary human concerns, generally manifests itself by a profound indifference to things which are genuinely of minor interest. Thus it is possible to imagine a depressed lover, while the idea of a depressed patriot seems frankly inconceivable (Generally Quotes)
Things worthwhile generally don’t just happen. Luck is a fact, but should not be a factor. Good luck is what is left over after intelligence and effort have combined at their best. Negligence or indifference are usually reviewed from an unlucky seat. The law of cause and effect and causality both work the same with inexorable exactitudes. Luck is the residue of design (Generally Quotes)
When talented people write badly, it’s generally for one of two reasons: Either they’re blinded by an idea they feel compelled to prove of they’re driven by an emotion they must express. When talented people write well, it is generally for this reason: They’re moved by a desire to touch the audience (Generally Quotes)
Generally speaking, life is so rich and full of variety; you have to remember all the time that there is a comical side to everything (Generally Quotes)
It’s so much easier to count our disadvantages than tot up the mitigating circumstances that generally outweigh the despair (Generally Quotes)
There are, broadly speaking, two kinds of workers in the world, the people who do all the work, and the people who think they do all the work. The latter class is generally the busiest, the former never have time to be busy (Generally Quotes)
To remember a successful salad is generally to remember a successful dinner; at all events, the perfect dinner necessarily includes the perfect salad (Generally Quotes)
Human beings may hate a distant enemy in theory, but they generally prefer to kill their neighbors (Generally Quotes)
If I only drink beer, nothing stronger, then by the end of the night I can generally recognize myself as a reasonable human being, and more importantly, wake up that way (Generally Quotes)
The passions seldom give good advice but to the interested and mercenary. Resentment generally suggests bad measures. Second thoughts and good nature will rarely, very rarely, approve the first hints of anger (Generally Quotes)
In listening to stories we tend to suspend disbelief in order to be entertained, whereas in evaluating statistics we generally have an opposite inclination to suspend belief in order not to be beguiled (Generally Quotes)
Abstract understanding doesn’t mean arbitrary sloshing and messing. Abstract art is controlled visual magic based on laws and methodology. Abstraction generally involves implication, suggestion and mystery rather that obvious description. Like a good poem, a good abstraction attacks your feelings before your understanding. Abstraction within realism adds zest and excitement to otherwise dull subject matter. Abstract understanding takes time and patience (Generally Quotes)
There is more in a common bubble than those who have only played with them generally imagine (Generally Quotes)
Long distance relationships through mobile communication generally becomes poor because of the weak signals and ends up due to jammed networks (Generally Quotes)
It has generally been assumed that of two opposing systems of philosophy, e.g., realism and idealism, one only can be true and one must be false; and so philosophers have been hopelessly divided on the question, which is the true one (Generally Quotes)
What our species needs, above all else, is a generally accepted ethical system that is compatible with the scientific knowledge we now possess (Generally Quotes)
We are often jealous of our little secrets, though to another ear they generally convey neither profit nor entertainment (Generally Quotes)
I think in life we get very caught up in the minutia and, unfortunately, it generally takes some sort of tragedy in your life to put things in perspective (Generally Quotes)
Loss generally occurs when a player overrates his advantage or for other reasons seeks to derive from a minute advantage a great return such as a forced win (Generally Quotes)
Pianists don’t argue too much generally because we have a hard enough time just getting things right. Arguing is for string players (Generally Quotes)
I think generally, in life, I try to always ensure that there are periodic moments where I do venture out of my comfort zone, because that’s what keeps you alive. That’s what keeps you from getting stale (Generally Quotes)
In my defence I can only say that her past, too, like mine, like everyone’s in fact, was a locked box. Occasionally we allow people a peep, but generally only at the top level. The darker streams of our memories we negotiate alone (Generally Quotes)
Generally, health is just so heavily regulated. It’s just a painful business to be in. It’s just not necessarily how I want to spend my time (Generally Quotes)
Maybe to try to understand not just that we are living in a certain building or in a certain location, but to become aware that we are living on a planet that is going at enormous speed through the universe. For me it’s more a synonym. I read a picture not for what’s really going on there, I read it more for what is going on in our world generally (Generally Quotes)
Generally, the craft of programming is the factoring of a set of requirements into a a set of functions and data structures (Generally Quotes)
Experts generally agree that taking all opportunities to read books and other material aloud to children is the best preparation for their learning to read. The pleasures of being read to are far more likely to strengthen a child’s desire to learn to read than are repetitions of sounds, alphabet drills, and deciphering uninteresting words (Generally Quotes)