Generations Quotes

Text Quotes
A whole generation of veteran composers has never taken a stand or provided an example and has produced in the music academies generations of docile workers for the music industry. What can you expect from downtrodden workers who see music as a type of profession, like stenography, and not an act of creation that by its nature is subversive? (Generations Quotes)
Several generations of high school students have grown up ignoring and disbelieving everything they’ve heard from government and police about drugs, including information that was factual and valid, because they discovered for themselves that most of what has been taught to them was simply not true (Generations Quotes)
Architecture has always been a very idealistic profession. It’s about making the world a better place and it works over the generations because people go on vacation and they look for it (Generations Quotes)
Those who stand for different causes during different generations often experience the same oppositions and the same difficulties as those of the previous and the next generations. That is the basis of history repeating itself (Generations Quotes)
When homo sapiens is changing, it will not be by the whole race gaining simultaneously whatever qualities better fit it for survival, but rather by certain types of mankind proving superior to the rest in survival value, so that they contribute a larger proportion to the later generations, and in so doing drag the average qualities of humanity in the same direction (Generations Quotes)
The mother’s first kiss teaches the child love; the first holy kiss of the woman he loves teaches man hope and faith in life; and love and faith create a desire for perfection and the power of reaching towards it step by step; create the future, in short, of which the living symbol is the child, link between us and the generations to come (Generations Quotes)
If the professors don’t start or continue to figure out who we are as a people, where we’re going and where we’ve been, then in a sense we are not capable of passing on that knowledge to future generations (Generations Quotes)
Generations do not age. Every youth of any period, any civilization, has the same possibilities as always (Generations Quotes)
Had the employers of past generations all of them dealt fairly with their men there would have been no unions (Generations Quotes)
I have always been able to move on musically. I’ve always been able to make all generations dance and love (Generations Quotes)
Much of the usefulness of any career must lie in the impress that it makes upon, and the lessons that it teaches to, the generations that come after (Generations Quotes)
For all its material advantages, the sedentary life has left us edgy, unfulfilled, even after 400 generations in villages and cities, we haven’t forgotten: The open road still softly calls like a nearly forgotten song of childhood (Generations Quotes)
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror (Generations Quotes)
A distant cousin sent me some genealogy report on my father’s side, and it’s sort of what I suspected. Coal miners for generations... four or maybe five generations (Generations Quotes)
Now we are expected to be as wise as men who have had generations of all the help there is, and we scarcely anything (Generations Quotes)
Ineluctably, the insults inflicted in one war call forth new wars of retaliation, which may be waged within months of the original conflict or generations later (Generations Quotes)
Tidiness... makes life easier and more agreeable, does harm to no one and actually saves time and trouble to the person who practices it: there must be an ominous flaw to explain why millions of generations continue to reject it (Generations Quotes)
How comes it to pass, if they be only moved by chance and accident, that such regular mutations and generations should be begotten by a fortuitous concourse of atoms (Generations Quotes)
Any change in customs... takes generations to accomplish, and must come about by general consent. Even a superficial study of sociology shows the futility of past efforts to make a lasting change in manners by an act of will or authority (Generations Quotes)
Mothers have as powerful an influence over the welfare of future generations as all other earthly causes combined (Generations Quotes)
A food truce, the picnic suspension of oedipal feeling that permits the generations to love each other at family reunions (Generations Quotes)
The massive quantities of radiation that would be released in a war fought with nuclear weapons might, over time, cause such great changes in the human gene pool that following generations might not be recognizable as human beings (Generations Quotes)
From laboratories employing complex apparatus, poetry often emerges into the outside world after a long lapse of time, just as some scientific discoveries become common property only after they have entered the blood stream of the generations (Generations Quotes)
We must build an agenda for speedy yet sustainable economic growth that is inclusive of all, is respectful of individuals, responsive to innovation and responsible towards the future generations (Generations Quotes)
Contrary to the prevailing notion that good governance is bad politics, in reality good governance is good politics. A government should work keeping in mind the welfare of future generations, not the next election (Generations Quotes)
Everybody’s not going to like jazz, let’s just be honest about it. Everybody doesn’t like everything. There’s a disconnect in generations and some people just aren’t going to feel that music (Generations Quotes)
A liberal is a man who wants to use his own ideas on things in preference to generations who he knows know more than he does (Generations Quotes)
Those who wish to punish the current and future generations for the inequities of a generation long gone, and who equate justice with revenge, are the most dangerous people in the world (Generations Quotes)
The transparency men have enjoyed for generations, about their ability to frankly work while also reveling in fatherhood, is still complicated for women. Which is not to say that anyone can have everything (Generations Quotes)
The man who sees two or three generations is like one who sits in the conjuror’s booth at a fair, and sees the same tricks two or three times. They are meant to be seen only once (Generations Quotes)