Generations Quotes

Text Quotes
The main duty of the historian of mathematics, as well as his fondest privilege, is to explain the humanity of mathematics, to illustrate its greatness, beauty and dignity, and to describe how the incessant efforts and accumulated genius of many generations have built up that magnificent monument, the object of our most legitimate pride as men, and of our wonder, humility and thankfulness, as individuals. The study of the history of mathematics will not make better mathematicians but gentler ones, it will enrich their minds, mellow their hearts, and bring out their finer qualities (Generations Quotes)
I call that church free which enters into the covenant with the ultimate source of existence. It binds together families and generations, protecting against the idolatry of any human claim to absolute truth or authority (Generations Quotes)
It’s rare when an artist’s talent can touch an entire generation of people. It’s even rarer when that same influence affects several generations. Elvis made an imprint on the world of pop music unequaled by any other single performer (Generations Quotes)
The language of music is common to all generations and nations; it is understood by everybody, since it is understood with the heart (Generations Quotes)
We’ve known for some time that we have to worry about the impacts of climate change on our children’s and grandchildren’s generations. But we now have to worry about ourselves as well (Generations Quotes)
Someone once asked me why people sing. I answered that they sing for many of the same reasons the birds sing. They sing for a mate, to claim their territory, or simply to give voice to the delight of being alive in the midst of a beautiful day. Perhaps more than the birds do, humans hold a grudge. They sing to complain of how grievously they have been wronged, and how to avoid it in the future. They sing to help themselves execute a job of work. They sing so the subsequent generations won’t forget what the current generation endured, or dreamed, or delighted in (Generations Quotes)
Language is an anonymous, collective and unconscious art; the result of the creativity of thousands of generations (Generations Quotes)
As far as I know, we have never before decided to fight a war with borrowed money and ask generations that come after us to pay for it (Generations Quotes)
My heart found its home long ago in the beauty, mystery, order and disorder of the flowering earth. I wanted future generations to be able to savor what I had all my life (Generations Quotes)
There is much the government can do and should do to improve the environment. But even more important is the individual who plants a tree or cleans a corner of neglect. For it is the individual who himself benefits, and also protects a heritage of beauty for his children and future generations (Generations Quotes)
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Generations Quotes)
The world isn’t purposeful. It isn’t ruled by reason. The world wants to play. Fashion queens have always aroused more interest than future generations and their fate (Generations Quotes)
Eugenics is the study of the agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally (Generations Quotes)
Unless we take action on climate change, future generations will be roasted, toasted, fried and grilled (Generations Quotes)
Each generation should be made to bear the burden of its own wars, instead of carrying them on, at the expense of other generations (Generations Quotes)
Why produce even females? Why should there be future generations? What is their purpose? When aging and death are eliminated, why continue to reproduce? Why should we care what happens when we’re dead? Why should we care that there is no younger generation to succeed us? (Generations Quotes)
We cannot tire or give up. We owe it to the present and future generations of all species to rise up and walk! (Generations Quotes)
We are different from previous generations of conservatives... We are no longer working to preserve the status quo. We are radicals, working to overturn the present power structure of this country (Generations Quotes)
A man who has been born into the house of a warrior and yet places no loyalty in his heart and thinks only of the fortune of his position will be flattering on the surface and construct schemes in his heart, will forsake righteousness and not reflect on his shame, and will stain the warrior’s name of his household to later generations. This is truly regrettable (Generations Quotes)
One’s relationship with money is lifelong, it colors one’s sense of identity, it shapes one’s attitude to other people, it connects and splits generations; money is the arena in which greed and generosity are played out, in which wisdom is exercised and folly committed. Freedom, desire, power, status, work, possession: these huge ideas that rule life are enacted, almost always, in and around money (Generations Quotes)
The actions you take today not only impact you; they influence generations. Every matter matters for eternity (Generations Quotes)
Everything that is great in life is the product of slow growth; the newer, and greater, and higher, and nobler the work, the slower is its growth, the surer is its lasting success. Mushrooms attain their full power in a night; oaks require decades. A fad lives its life in a few weeks; a philosophy lives through generations and centuries (Generations Quotes)
Three or four million heads of households don’t turn into tramps and cheats overnight, nor do they lose the habits and standards of a lifetime... They don’t drink any more than the rest of us, they don’t lie any more, they’re no lazier than the rest of us... An eighth or a tenth of the earning population does not change its character which has been generations in the molding, or, if such a change actually occurs, we can scarcely charge it up to personal sin (Generations Quotes)
The generations before you failed. They didn’t stay up all night. They got distracted and lost sight of the fact that life is a miracle every moment of your existence. Nature beckons you to be on her side. You couldn’t ask for a better boss. The most unrealistic person in the world is the cynic, not the dreamer. Hope only makes sense when it doesn’t make sense to be hopeful. This is your century. Take it and run as if your life depends on it (Generations Quotes)
The vision behind our idea is a world where people don’t carry hazardous chemicals in their bodies, the environment is free of toxic pollutants, and the economy diligently conserves its natural resources for consumers and future generations. We want to make it easier for consumers to create this world through their purchasing decisions and everyday activities (Generations Quotes)
We are making choices that will affect whether beings thousands of generations from now will be able to be born sound of mind and body (Generations Quotes)
There are some disabling myths about what art is, how to do it, what is good art, and what art is for, that have gagged generations, depriving them of significant and natural means of expression. This is a terrible loss and an unnecessary one (Generations Quotes)
One reason that the task of inventing manners is so difficult is that etiquette is folk custom, and people have emotional ties to the forms of their youth. That is why there is such hostility between generations in times of rapid change; their manners being different, each feels affronted by the other, taking even the most surface choices for challenges (Generations Quotes)
We invite people working for peace to span generations and national boundaries, and gather together to communicate. Let us firmly join hands and foster an even stronger network for nuclear abolition and peace (Generations Quotes)
Our connection to nature grounds us, it makes us more spiritually aware. We must keep the legacy of nature materially alive for future generations (Generations Quotes)