Genius is the father of a heavenly line, but the mortal mother, that is industry

Genius is the father of a heavenly line, but the mortal mother, that is industry
Theodore Parker was a prominent American Transcendentalist and Unitarian minister who lived in the 19th century. He was known for his progressive views on social issues such as abolitionism, women's rights, and education reform. Parker was also a prolific writer and speaker, and his works continue to be studied and admired to this day.The quote "Genius is the father of a heavenly line, but the mortal mother, that is industry" can be seen as a reflection of Parker's own life and work. Parker was undoubtedly a genius in his own right, with a keen intellect and a gift for eloquent speech. His ideas were ahead of his time, and he was not afraid to challenge the status quo in pursuit of justice and equality.
However, Parker's genius alone was not enough to bring about the changes he sought. He also possessed a strong work ethic and a tireless dedication to his causes. He was known for his industriousness, spending long hours writing and speaking on behalf of the marginalized and oppressed. Parker understood that it was not enough to simply have great ideas; one must also be willing to put in the hard work necessary to bring those ideas to fruition.
In this sense, Parker embodied the idea that genius and industry must work together in order to achieve greatness. His genius provided him with the vision and inspiration to see a better world, while his industry allowed him to turn that vision into reality. Without his tireless efforts, Parker's ideas would have remained just that – ideas, floating in the ether without ever making a tangible impact on the world.