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Genuine Quotes

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A genuine man goes to the roots. To be a radical is no more than that: to go to the roots  (Genuine Quotes) Experts on romance say for a happy marriage there has to be more than a passionate love. For a lasting union, they insist, there must be a genuine liking for each other. Which, in my book, is a good definition for friendship  (Genuine Quotes) I have a genuine love affair with my audience. When I’m on stage they’re not privileged to see me. It’s a privilege for me to see them  (Genuine Quotes) Our minds do understand that people of all races find genuine love in many places. We dig that the world is full of amazing options  (Genuine Quotes) Most years, if you were to ask me how much I make, the genuine answer is that I have no clue. I usually find out the answer to that question once a year, at tax time, when my accountant tells me  (Genuine Quotes) At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality  (Genuine Quotes) Anyone who knows me well must understand and be sympathetic to my genuine need to be my own greatest hero. It is not a flaw of character; it is a catastrophe  (Genuine Quotes) About as genuine as tea made from a bit of paper which once lay in a drawer beside another piece of paper which had been used to wrap up a few tea leaves from which tea had already been made three times  (Genuine Quotes) Simple, genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and is the only riches we can take out of this world with us  (Genuine Quotes) ... a genuine work of art, can never be false, nor can it be discredited through the lapse of time, for it does not present an opinion but the thing itself  (Genuine Quotes) Years ago, before this estate was generously and unwillingly turned over to the crown, the lord here was a genuine dimwit. He had a minister stashed behind his throne to whisper clever things to say  (Genuine Quotes) Consciousness, unprovable by scientific standards, is forever, then, the impossible phantom in the predictable biologic machine, and your every thought a genuine supernatural event. Your every thought is a ghost, dancing  (Genuine Quotes) Rise to the challenges that life presents you. You can’t develop genuine character and ability by sidestepping adversity and struggle  (Genuine Quotes) He cumbers himself never about consequences, about interests; he gives an independent, genuine verdict. You must court him: he does not court you. But the man is, as it were, clapped into jail by his consciousness  (Genuine Quotes) A genuine odyssey is not about piling up experiences. It is a deeply felt, risky, unpredictable tour of the soul  (Genuine Quotes) And so it turned out that only a life similar to the life of those around us, merging with it without a ripple, is genuine life, and that an unshared happiness is not happiness  (Genuine Quotes) A discussion should be a genuine attempt to explore a subject rather than a battle between competing egos  (Genuine Quotes) Perhaps a sense of possessing needs to come to come before a sense of genuine sharing  (Genuine Quotes) My life is not an apology, but a life. It is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady  (Genuine Quotes) Our purest form of joy comes when people we envy get hurt. That most genuine form of joy  (Genuine Quotes) It was such an unexpected and genuine smile that if I only had a soul I’m sure I would have felt quite guilty  (Genuine Quotes) Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, or indifference, or sheer helplessness  (Genuine Quotes) I am told that the proximity of punishment arouses real repentance in the criminal and sometimes awakens a feeling of genuine remorse in the most hardened heart; I am told this is due to fear  (Genuine Quotes) Genuine spiritual knowledge lies not in wonderful and mysterious thoughts but in actual spiritual experience through union of the believer’s life with truth  (Genuine Quotes) People in the countryside carry a sense of dignity. They wear it, don’t they? Like a badge? I’m being genuine  (Genuine Quotes) Laughter without a tinge of philosophy is but a sneeze of humor. Genuine humor is replete with wisdom  (Genuine Quotes) No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection toward his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he believes to be of value  (Genuine Quotes) Any genuine teaching will result, if successful, in someone’s knowing how to bring about a better condition of things than existed earlier  (Genuine Quotes) To undertake a genuine spiritual path is not to avoid difficulties but to learn the art of making mistakes wakefully, to bring them to the transformative power of our heart  (Genuine Quotes) There is false humility and genuine humility and between them, there is a desire of the practitioner to become humble  (Genuine Quotes)
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