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Genuine Quotes

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I have received delegations of working men who come, apparently speaking of the utmost sincerity, have declared that they would regard it as a genuine hardship to be deprived of their beer  (Genuine Quotes) I don’t think anyone should apologize for being sexy if it comes from a genuine place, if they’re not being forced into an objectifying situation  (Genuine Quotes) I cannot think of a single field in biology or medicine in which we can claim genuine understanding, and it seems to me the more we learn about living creatures, especially ourselves, the stranger life becomes  (Genuine Quotes) We need a repeated discipline, a genuine training, in order to let go of our old habits of mind and to find and sustain a new way of seeing  (Genuine Quotes) Too many women are forced to abort by poverty, by their menfolk, by their parents... A choice is only possible if there are genuine alternatives  (Genuine Quotes) Our obligation to others and a gift to ourselves is to acknowledge and authentically express genuine appreciation for courtesies, caring and concern others have given us  (Genuine Quotes) And whether this happiness lasted a hundred seconds or ten minutes, it was so far removed from time that it resembled every other genuine happiness as completely as one fluttering blue lycaenid butterfly resembles another  (Genuine Quotes) Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge. They are chaotic, sometimes painful, sometimes contradictory, but they come from deep within us. And we must key into those feelings... This is how new visions begin  (Genuine Quotes) Genuine happiness consists in those spiritual qualities of love, compassion, patience, tolerance and forgiveness and so on. For it is these which provide both for our happiness and others happiness  (Genuine Quotes) Whatever you have lived, you can write and by hard work and a genuine apprenticeship, you can learn to write well; but what you have not lived you cannot write, you can only pretend to write it  (Genuine Quotes) England has never enjoyed a genuine social revolution. Maybe that’s what’s wrong with that dear, tepid, vapid, insipid, stuffy, little country  (Genuine Quotes) It’s a fine line between writing something with genuine emotional impact and turning into little idiots feeling sorry for ourselves and playing stadium rock  (Genuine Quotes) Is enthusiasm important in selling? Yes, genuine, heartfelt enthusiasm is one of the most potent factors of success in almost any undertaking  (Genuine Quotes) There are two kinds of friendship: one is genuine affection, the other is inability to refuse  (Genuine Quotes) A genuine love of learning is one of the two delinquencies which cause blindness and lead a young man to ruin  (Genuine Quotes) A genuine transformation that results from sustained concerted effort is long lasting because it has a firm foundation  (Genuine Quotes) Genuine morality is preserved only in the school of adversity; a state of continuous prosperity may easily prove a quick sand to virtue  (Genuine Quotes) The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to determine whether or not they are genuine  (Genuine Quotes) Each of us has a genuine capacity for love, forgiveness, wisdom and compassion. Meditation awakens these qualities so that we can discover for ourselves the unique happiness that is our birthright  (Genuine Quotes) Two important things are to have a genuine interest in people and to be kind to them. Kindness, I’ve discovered, is everything  (Genuine Quotes) Helping others is a question of being genuine and projecting that genuineness to others. This way of being doesn’t have to have a title or a name particularly. It is just being ultimately decent  (Genuine Quotes) Making the extra effort to say thanks in a genuine, personal manner goes a long way. It is pleasurable to do, and it encourages more of the same good behavior  (Genuine Quotes) Where there is true art and genuine virtuosity the artist can paint an incomparable masterpiece without leaving even a trace of his identity  (Genuine Quotes) There are so many noises and pulls and competing demands in our lives that many of us never find out who we are. Learn to be quiet enough to hear the sound of the genuine within yourself so that you can hear it in other people  (Genuine Quotes) You’re still going to win with preparation and dedication and plain old desire. If you don’t have genuine desire, you won’t be dedicated enough to prepare properly  (Genuine Quotes) Never be shaken, no matter what happens or what others may say. Never be flustered; never lose confidence. This is the way we should strive to live our lives. Being able to do so is a sign of genuine character  (Genuine Quotes) To me nothing in the world is as precious as a genuine smile, especially from a child  (Genuine Quotes) These are the only genuine ideas, the ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, farce  (Genuine Quotes) The most compassionate form of giving is done with no thought or expectation of reward, and grounded in genuine concern for others  (Genuine Quotes) Friends, genuine friends, have much more to do with whether we have a warm heart, not money or power  (Genuine Quotes)
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