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Genuine Quotes

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How often do we listen and act to the call of honesty, serenity, humility and generosity?How many soft pillows do we use for a life time?If only everyone uses a soft pillow, then what a better world it could be to have many genuine hearts.  (Genuine Quotes) I try to tell the best story, and the story that has some heart and some genuine terror and some social commentary and some comedy and some romance and some sex and some violence.  (Genuine Quotes) When one is giving service for the advancement of humanity, when one is working without money and without price, with no hope of earthly reward, there comes a real, genuine joy into the human heart.  (Genuine Quotes) A heart has its multiple facets of daily music. Respect a genuine good heart.  (Genuine Quotes) Wagging tongues from prejudiced, sophisticated facade of show-off people can never blemish any honest, genuine, golden heart.  (Genuine Quotes) Inner disarmament, external disarmament; these must go together, you see. Peace is not just mere absence of violence - genuine peace must start in each individual heart.  (Genuine Quotes) I value kindness in myself and others. I try to remain super-vigilant about my targets and make extra sure that my sometimes barbed comments are deserved and in response to genuine malefaction.  (Genuine Quotes) Two important things are to have a genuine interest in people and to be kind to them. Kindness, I’ve discovered, is everything.  (Genuine Quotes) I have a genuine love affair with my audience. When I’m on stage they’re not privileged to see me. It’s a privilege for me to see them.  (Genuine Quotes) My mother’s love was really not based on attachment. Her love was genuine love. To make me happy, not how I will make her happy.  (Genuine Quotes) The only true and lasting inspiration for life is genuine love for God, and submitted gratitude that I get to be a part of the redemptive quest.  (Genuine Quotes) You really need to give us much love as you possibly can. Be kind. Be of service to people, not for you to gain anything but just out of pure love. That’s what people are lacking, that pure genuine love.  (Genuine Quotes) Delight in smooth sounding platitudes, refusal to face unpleasant facts ... genuine love of peace and pathetic belief that love can be its sole foundation ... the utter devotion of the Liberals to sentiment apart from reality ...though free from wickedness or evil design, played a definite part in the unleashing upon the world of horrors and miseries [WWII]  (Genuine Quotes) I’m not handled. I’m not crafted by slick, high-priced consultants. I’m a real person, a genuine person, a struggling person in Connecticut.  (Genuine Quotes) I’m infamous, a joke. It doesn’t make me feel good, because I’m a genuine person, but I don’t let it get to me, because I am who I am.  (Genuine Quotes) My husband is the most honest, kind, hard-working, and genuine person, and I honestly don’t know how I could ever live without him.  (Genuine Quotes) I am a fraud. I have cobbled together my personality from hundreds of little bits. I am simultaneously the most genuine and the most artificial person you will ever meet.  (Genuine Quotes) I can watch a movie and go, ‘Oh, my God, that person is acting.’ If you just listen to what the other person is saying, your response will always be genuine.  (Genuine Quotes) Often it seems that there are writers who are their best selves on the page. That Seamus Heaney was as genuine and deeply admirable in person as in his poems was to me a gift, then as now.  (Genuine Quotes) I’m a very humble person. I don’t rub salt in people’s wounds and I’m genuine.  (Genuine Quotes) Genuine people never seems to be in rush. In their conversation they make the other person feel special.  (Genuine Quotes) You can perceive a person’s aspiration if it is genuine, because this creates a change in the emanations from such a person.  (Genuine Quotes) The best way to judge the worth of a person’s wealth is to count the number of genuine people he has got in his network.  (Genuine Quotes) Oskar showed that virtue emerged where it would, and the sort of churchy observance bishops called for was not a guarantee of genuine humanity in a person.  (Genuine Quotes) I love my relationship with Coach Vermeil because it is one of the few genuine relationships that I have.  (Genuine Quotes) And I think that’s what our world is desperately in need of - lovers, people who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the issues they are concerned about.  (Genuine Quotes) If you cultivate a relationship in a genuine, thoughtful way, people will be more inclined to want to help you even though they don’t have to help you.  (Genuine Quotes) I made the decision to turn pro, and I remember what Ali said to me: ‘Get Angelo Dundee. He’s the right complexion with the right connection.’ He knew boxing. Our relationship was so genuine, so sincere.  (Genuine Quotes) The U.K. needs a system for family migration underpinned by three simple principles. One: that those who come here should do so on the basis of a genuine relationship. Two: that migrants should be able to pay their way. And three: that they are able to integrate into British society.  (Genuine Quotes) I’m genuine and I’m available. I want people to be at their best. I want them to love and be loved to their fullest ability. My friends call me their relationship nanny, so we have a good time working through problems. Now, I don’t claim to be an expert, but I am a woman who has been through everything.  (Genuine Quotes)
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