Geoff Mulgan Quotes
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Text Quotes
Societies advance through innovation every bit as much as economies do (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Bangalore has become a centre for healthcare (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
The most dynamic cities have always been immersed in the critical innovations of their time (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
All real capitalisms are impure hybrids, mongrels mixed with other strains (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
All of nationalism can be understood as a kind of collective narcissism (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Adelaide is becoming a hub for higher education (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Deeper fulfilment is rather different from the happiness of seeing a good film or watching your team win at football, and it doesn’t come at the push of a button (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
The smug complacency of technology adverts disguises a pretty mixed picture, with too many people not connected, too many passive users of technologies designed for interactive, and far too much talk about empowerment but far too little action to make it happen (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
A tablet replacing an exercise book is not innovation, it’s just a different way to make notes (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
As with products on supermarket shelves, the public has a right to know where their financial products and services come from (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Britain is rich in radicalism, and anyone who says that our society has drifted into fatalism and apathy should get out more (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Courses can, and should, incorporate the excitement and fun of programming games, apps or even real digital devices (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Democracy isn’t solely about polite conversations in parliaments. It needs to be continually refreshed with raw passions, anger and ideals (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Everyone knows of great projects that were too dependent on a charismatic individual, or simply too expensive to be replicated (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Health is already a dominant sector in most societies and the one most guaranteed to grow (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
The idea of entrepreneurship applies as much in politics, religion, society and the arts as it does in business (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Science is, rightly, searching for drugs to arrest ageing or to slow the advance of dementia. But the evidence suggests that many of the most powerful factors determining how you age come from what you do, and what you do with others: whether you work, whether you play music, whether you have regular visitors (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
There is incredible potential for digital technology in and beyond the classroom, but it is vital to rethink how learning is organised if we are to reap the rewards (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Advisers who think that they are very clever while all around them are a bit thick, and that all the problems of the world would be solved if the thick listened to the clever, are liable to be disappointed (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Governments that invest billions in new hardware still find it hard to accept that they might benefit just as much from systematic innovation in such things as child development or cutting crime (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
There are hardly any apprenticeships in care; hardly any schools preparing teenagers for jobs in care; and few signs that politicians know what to do to raise the status and rewards for what will soon be one of our most important industries (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
There is a yearning for people to return to elementary moral virtues, such as integrity and commitment. We distrust people who have no centering of values. We greatly respect businessmen, for example, if they display those virtues, even if we don’t necessarily agree with the people (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
Understanding capitalism is in some ways simple. At its best, capitalism rewards creators, makers and providers: the people and firms that create valuable things for others, like imaginative technologies and good food, cars and drugs (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
One of the lessons of history is that even the deepest crises can be moments of opportunity. They bring ideas from the margins into the mainstream (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
The central position of finance capital is going to come to an end, and it’s going to steadily move to the sides, the margins of our society, transformed from being a master into a servant, a servant to the productive economy and of human needs (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
All innovation is about letting go, saying goodbye to things to create space for the new (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
One effect of an individualistic culture that’s poor at instilling mutual respect is that people jump more quickly to anger or violence (Geoff Mulgan Quotes)
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