George Berkeley Quotes
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Text Quotes
Many things, for aught I know, may exist, whereof neither I nor any other man hath or can have any idea or notion whatsoever (George Berkeley Quotes)
So long as I confine my thoughts to my own ideas divested of words, I do not see how I can be easily mistaken (George Berkeley Quotes)
That thing of hell and eternal punishment is the most absurd, as well as the most disagreeable thought that ever entered into the head of mortal man (George Berkeley Quotes)
The eye by long use comes to see even in the darkest cavern: and there is no subject so obscure but we may discern some glimpse of truth by long poring on it (George Berkeley Quotes)
Upon the whole, I am inclined to think that the far greater part, if not all, of those difficulties which have hitherto amused philosophers, and blocked up the way to knowledge, are entirely owing to our selves. That we have first raised a dust, and then complain, we cannot see (George Berkeley Quotes)
I might as well doubt of my own being, as of the being of those things I actually see and feel (George Berkeley Quotes)
For my own private satisfaction, I had rather be master of my own time than wear a diadem (George Berkeley Quotes)
Certainly he who can digest a second or third fluxion need not, methinks, be squeamish about any point in divinity (George Berkeley Quotes)
The world is like a board with holes in it, and the square men have got into the round holes, and the round into the square (George Berkeley Quotes)
And what are these fluxions? The velocities of evanescent increments. And what are these same evanescent increments? They are neither finite quantities, nor quantities infinitely small, nor yet nothing. May we not call them the ghosts of departed quantities...? (George Berkeley Quotes)
It is impossible that a man who is false to his friends and neighbours should be true to the public (George Berkeley Quotes)
That neither our thoughts, nor passions, nor ideas formed by the imagination, exist without the mind, is what every body will allow (George Berkeley Quotes)
All those who write either explicitly or by insinuation against the dignity, freedom, and immortality of the human soul, may so far forth be justly said to unhinge the principles of morality, and destroy the means of making men reasonably virtuous (George Berkeley Quotes)
What doubts, what hypotheses, what labyrinths of amusement, what fields of disputation, what an ocean of false learning, may be avoided by that single notion of immaterialism! (George Berkeley Quotes)
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